7_Update Packages

7_Update Packages

This is only necessary if the district used dates in the Packages or if after using a Package it is determined that it needs to be updated or changed to better suit the needs of the staff or district.


  • Know if the Packages have dates on them

  • Update Forms

  • Update Course Sessions

Before updating Packages determine if the Forms in the Packages need editing or if the Packages themselves need editing. It is important to update district Forms first before updating Packages to ensure that the current Form is added to the current Package. 

Updating Forms

Next if the district is using Teacher Vitae’s Professional Development tools the new years sessions will need to be updated in Professional Development first.

Updating Sessions

Once the Forms and Sessions are up to date build a new Package for the current year or update the previous years Package. The following steps will roll last year's Package to the new Evaluation Year’s Package.

Updating Packages

  1. Log into Teacher Vitae

  2. Hover over More

  3. Click on Admin

  1. Hover over Admin +

  2. Click Packages

  1. Find the Package that needs editing

  2. Click Edit

General Package Information

Note: None of this should need editing (including the Evaluation Year)

    1. General Tab:

      1. Name the Package

      2. Select Evaluation Year

Select Evaluation Year from the dropdown menu

      1. Select Package Type

Select the Package Type from the dropdown menu

        1. Evaluation Package

      1. Click the Active checkbox

Active = Checked

Inactive = Unchecked

Adding Forms to a Package

Note: Add or Delete any Forms needed to make the new Package the way the district requires.

    1. Forms Tab

      1. Add Form

      2. Delete

    1. Add Form

      1. Select Form

      2. Select Evaluation Period

      3. Select Due Date

      4. Click Continue

        1. The form is added to the table of Forms in that Package

        2. Repeat to add additional Forms

Adding Courses to a Package

Note: Add or Delete any Courses needed to make the new Package the way the district requires.

    1. Courses Tab

      1. Add Course

      2. Delete

      1. Add Course

        1. Select Course

Select from the dropdown menu

      1. Select Due Date

      2. Click Continue

      1. The course is added to the table of courses in this Package

      2. Repeat to add additional Courses

  1. After completing the three tabs General, Forms and Courses click Save Changes

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