This is only necessary if the district used dates in the Forms or if after using a Form it is determined that it needs to be updated or changed to better suit the needs of the staff or district. All Forms and Templates are customizable. However, after they have been Published they are no longer editable. This is to prevent the loss of data when edits are made to a Form that has been started or completed. Forms can be copied then Edited and Published to create a new Form for the next year's use.
Know if the Forms have dates on them
The following will step you through the process
Log into Teacher Vitae
Hover over More
Click on Admin
Click Manage Forms
Determine and find the form that needs to be Edited.
Click Copy
Note: If Copy is not an option that means that the form was not created with the ability to Copy. However, Teacher Vitae employees can override this. If you need the Copy function please submit a Helpdesk Ticket requesting the Copy feature turned on for the specific form needed.
Rename the new Form so that it is distinguishable from the old Form
Check Copy Tags
Click Copy
Find the new Form
Click Edit
Update the Form as needed
Repeat for all Forms needing updates