This feature allows the current OWNER of the progress monitor to “Transfer” ownership to another user. The possible users that ownership can be transferred to is filtered down to those that currently have scope to the student in question.
There are two ways to access an existing progress monitor to modify it.
To modify a group progress monitor - click on Group Progress Monitors from the home screen.
Click on RTI from the home screen and then click on Progress Monitors Groups.
To modify an individual progress monitor, click on RTI from the home screen and then click on Progress Monitors.
Find the Progress Monitor you want to transition. Select Transfer Ownership from the Actions column.
Select the new owner (NOTE: the drop down will populate with those who have scope to the student.), check the box to notify the new owner of the transfer and then click Transfer Ownership.
Find the Progress Monitor you want to transition. Select Transfer Ownership from the Actions column.
Select the new owner (NOTE: the drop down will populate with those who have scope to the student.), check the box to notify the new owner of the transfer and then click Transfer Ownership.