Teacher Vitae Security/Roles

Teacher Vitae Security/Roles

Security Overview

Teacher Vitae security is based upon User Roles and Document Permissions

User Roles

User Roles (Tasks) control administrative tasks and who has access to what tasks. A User Role is a collection of permissions that is assigned to users. Some User Roles can be scoped to a specified set of Organizational Units (schools) while others User Roles are scoped to the entire district. 

User Roles Table



Suggested User

Vitae District Setup

This Role can manage all Teacher Vitae setup including Employee Management, Managing Evaluation Forms, Professional Development setup and management and Professional Development Course Catalog.

District-level Tech Systems Administrator

Employee Management

This Role can add, edit and delete employee records as well as import employees. This permission includes the ability to specify job history and user roles.

District Personnel / HR director and/or district-level Tech Systems Administrator

Manage Forms

This Role can add, create, edit and delete forms.

District-level Tech Systems Administrator 

Evaluation Administration

This Role can create, modify and delete evaluation assignments within their defined scope.

District Superintendent  or district HR. 

At the Organizational Unit, this is most likely the Administrative Scheduler for the building

Evaluation Supervisor

This Role can create, edit, view and delete evaluation assignments as well as create ad hoc evaluations within their defined scope.

Organizational Unit, Building Principals and/or Assistant Principals

Evaluation Director

This Role can create, edit, view and delete evaluation assignments as well as create ad hoc evaluations within their defined scope.

District Personnel / HR Director


This Role can create ad hoc evaluations within their defined scope.

Building Principals and/or Assistant Principals

State Reporting Manager

This Role can create required state level reports. This is a sensitive position since the user will be able to view all staff evaluations and observations.

District Superintendent  or district HR. 

Vitae PD Setup

This Role can manage Professional Development setup and Management but does not grant the user the ability to manage the course catalog.

District-level Tech Systems Administrator

Manage PD Course Catalog

This Role can manage the Vitae PD Course Catalog. 

District-level Tech Systems Administrator

Document Permissions

Document Permissions control the adding, creation, editing and deletion of documents and who has access to published or shared documents. The only exception to this rule is an override User Permission that grants a user VIEW access to all evaluations within a defined scope. Every district assigned document will have two or more Collaborators which identify the person and a set of explicit Permissions of what they can with a document.

Document Permissions Table





Owner is the person who created the document.

View, Delete, Add / Remove from Package


Editor is the person answering the questions in the document.

View, Edit, Share, Sign if applicable


Evaluatee is the person/subject whom the document is referring to.

View only after being shared,  Sign if applicable


Reviewer is a third party who oversees a completed document

View, Sign if applicable

Shared With

Shared With is a third party who is granted access to the document from its Owner



Scheduler is the person that scheduled the document at the district level

View, Delete

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