Student User-Defined Fields

Student User-Defined Fields

  1. Student User-Defined Fields

  1. Add new Student User-Defined Fields/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Name: Field Name

        2. Display Name: Name that the user sees

        3. Public Key: Auto defined No added task to complete

        4. Data Type: Select the data type from the Dropdown

        5. Manage

          1. Locally 

          2. Remotely

    1. Audit Tab

      1. Audit Information

        1. Created On

        2. Created By

        3. Modified On

        4. Modified By

      2. Click Save

    1. Refresh List: Refreshes table

    1. Table

  1. Action

      1. Delete

      1. Table

    1. Name

    2. Display Name

    3. Public Key

    4. Data Type

    5. Managed in Mileposts

    6. Options

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