Student Search and Student e-file

Student Search and Student e-file

Student Search & Student e-file


Student Search

The Student Search feature allows staff to quickly access a student's e-file for any students within their scope. The student search link is located in the gray toolbar on the far right side of the Mileposts homepage.  

All students that you have scope to will appear on the Student Search page.  There are several ways to navigate this page to find a particular student.

Student e-file

The Student e-file is a time-saving information hub. 


Everyone knows what a cumulative file is for a student. Historically, the cumulative file for a student has been locked in a filing cabinet in the school offices. Access to the file required going to the main office, signing in on a paper, accessing the file, returning the file to the locked location, and signing out on paper. A teacher would then walk back to class and hope they could remember the data on every single student the next day.


Silverback Mileposts makes access to the student data much easier for teachers while maintaining high levels of security. Teachers must be logged into the system, thus creating an audit trail. Teachers can access only those students for whom they have teaching responsibilities. All data is maintained on a secure server. The Student eFile is also known as the Student Longitudinal Learning Portfolio.


To Access the Student e-file via Student Search: 

  1.  From the Mileposts homepage click on Student Search

  2. In the Search Table type in the student’s first or last name

  3. Click on the arrow to search for the student

  4. When the search results come up click on the desired student’s last name to go to their Student e-file

From here the entire student’s e-file is available by selecting the blue tabs.

Explanation of features within each tab of the Student e-file:

  •  Student Info: All information on this page is synced directly from your district's Student Information System (SIS), including the student’s Class Information (a list of the students current class schedule).

  • Performance: Houses individual student performance on state and district assessments

  • Educational Support: Has all the educational plans or support that a student may be participating in and the particular interventions viewed by school year.

  • Benchmarks: has individual state and district benchmarks and shows where students are based on those benchmarks.

  • Programs: Identifies any state or district programs that the student participates in that have been documented through Mileposts.

  • Behavior: Logs all behavior incidents that have been documented on a student.

  • Assignments: Provides accessibility  to assign assignments through Gooru or Learning Objectives component in Milepost.

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