Sharing Google Docs on Teacher Vitae

Sharing Google Docs on Teacher Vitae

The best way to share a Google Doc in Teacher Vitae is through link sharing, where you add a link to the document right into your artifact rich text area. Using this method, you don't have to attach anything extra to the document and all receivers will be able to click the link to see your document. By linking the document in Google rather than attaching a document, the document is live and you can continue to edit it. The changes will show when others view it within Teacher Vitae.

You can follow the steps in the video or use the step by step instructions located below:

Enabling Sharing in Google Docs

The following will work with any Google Doc (e.g. documents, sheets, slides etc) and needs to be completed or your document will not be visible to colleagues that open it from Teacher Vitae.

  1. Login to your Google Account

  2. Find the document that you wish to share

  3. Open the document

  4. In the document, click the blue “Share” button in the top right corner

  1. Click Advanced

  1. Click “Change” to change Who has access.

  1. There are several choices here, however, if you plan on sharing this document with anyone outside your organization, (On  -- Anyone with the link) is the best choice. With this option, the link must be used to access the document and cannot be found by searching the internet.

  2. Click Save

  1. Now your document is ready to share in Teacher Vitae.

Sharing a Google Doc in Teacher Vitae

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click on “My Portfolio”

  1. Choose the Folder that contains the Artifact that you wish to add the Shared Document to or choose the Folder and Add a new Artifact by clicking “+Add Artifact”.

  1. If you choose to Add an Artifact, you will be presented with a list of pre-built templates when you hover over “+Add Artifact”. Choose the template that works best for your situation.

Note: From this dropdown you can choose a pre-made template or preview a template. Previewing is helpful in choosing the best template for your situation. For more information on “Preview” see our support guide "Preview Mode". We suggest that you take a look at the link above so you learn the gotchas of Preview Mode.

  1. In the Artifact, rather than attaching a file using the “Attachments” -- Select files section of the Artifact, you can type a narrative in the “Text” section of the Artifact. Below the narrative is “Created the expectation and procedures for our staff on how to handle our athletes”

  1. The narrative is where you create a hyperlink that links to the Google Document that you are wanting to share in the Artifact. 

  2. To create a hyperlink -- highlight the desired text. In this example the hyperlink will be “procedures”.

  3. Click the Link button

  1. In the window that opens in the “Link Info” tab, leave the Link Type as URL and in the URL field paste the URL of the document you wish to share.

  2. Click OK

  1. Now that you have shared the Google Document in the Artifact, you can now Tag the Artifact and Share the Artifact with Colleagues. For more information see our support guide “Tagging and Sharing Artifacts”.

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