Security (Complete Guide)

Security (Complete Guide)

The security section is used for granting permissions and access to different tools or tasks in Mileposts

Security Groups

  1. Groups

A table of current Security Groups 

  1. Add new Group

    1. General Tab

      1. Name 

Name of Security Group

    1. Public Key

This will be auto generated (no additional editing required)

      1. Description

Description of Security Group (optional)

    1. Permissions Tab

A list of all permissions that could be assigned to a group. Assign to the group by clicking the Checkbox and clicking Save

    1. Core Framework

      1. Domain Setup

      2. User Management

      3. Become another user

      4. Reset Passwords

    2. SMS Framework

      1. View All Students in School Scope

      2. Create lists for school

      3. Create lists for District

    3. Core Framework

      1. Staff Portal Access

    4. Mileposts

      1. Administer all Student Plans

      2. Administer all Assessment results

      3. District Program Administrator

    5. Publications

      1. Publications System Access

      2. Publications System Setup

    6. Mileposts

      1. Administer all Student Behavior Incidents

      2. Manage Assessment result uploads

      3. System-level Reporting

    7. Calendar

      1. Calendar System Access

      2. Calendar System Setup

    8. Workorders

      1. Workorder System Access

      2. Workorder Setup

      3. Workorder Admin

      4. Workorder View Tickets for Scope

      5. Workorder Manage Tickets for Scope

      6. View private comments

    9. Inventory

      1. Inventory Access

  1. Securables Tab

A list of all Securiables and the level at which the group can manipulate (ie View, Update and Delete)

      1. Student Data

      2. Active Student Plans

      3. All Student Plans

      4. All Student Plans - Confidential

      5. Assessment - Reporting

      6. Behavior

      7. Behavior - Confidential

      8. Behavior - Historical

      9. Behavior - Reporting

      10. Behavior Incident Portal

      11. Performance Indicators

      12. Performance Indicators - Confidential

      13. Program Participation

      14. Program Participation - Confidential

      15. Program Referral

      16. Program Referral - Confidential

      17. Student Profile

      18. Student Profile - Confidential

      19. Student Test Requirements

    1. Audit Tab

Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

    1. Created on

    2. Created by

    3. Modified on

    4. Modified by

  1. Action

The Action column has Edit (Pencil) and Delete (Garbage Can)

  1. Add New Group

Used to add new Security Groups 

  1. Add New Group or Edit 

    1. General Tab

      1. Name 

Name of Security Group

    1. Public Key

This will be auto generated (no additional editing required)

      1. Description

Description of Security Group

    1. Permissions Tab

A list of all permissions that could be assigned to a group. Assign to the group by clicking the Checkbox and clicking Save

      1. Core Framework

        1. Domain Setup

        2. User Management

        3. Become another user

        4. Reset Passwords

      2. SMS Framework

        1. View All Students in School Scope

        2. Create lists for school

        3. Create lists for District

      3. Core Framework

        1. Staff Portal Access

      4. Mileposts

        1. Administer all Student Plans

        2. Administer all Assessment results

        3. District Program Administrator

      5. Publications

        1. Publications System Access

        2. Publications System Setup

      6. Mileposts

        1. Administer all Student Behavior Incidents

        2. Manage Assessment result uploads

        3. System-level Reporting

        4. Calendar

        5. Calendar System Access

        6. Calendar System Setup

      7. Workorders

        1. Workorder System Access

        2. Workorder Setup

        3. Workorder Admin

        4. Workorder View Tickets for Scope

        5. Workorder Manage Tickets for Scope

        6. View private comments

      8. Inventory

        1. Inventory Access

    1. Securables Tab

A list of all Securiables and the level at which the group can manipulate (ie View, Update and Delete)

      1. Student Data

      2. Active Student Plans

      3. All Student Plans

      4. All Student Plans - Confidential

      5. Assessment - Reporting

      6. Behavior

      7. Behavior - Confidential

      8. Behavior - Historical

      9. Behavior - Reporting

      10. Behavior Incident Portal

      11. Performance Indicators

      12. Performance Indicators - Confidential

      13. Program Participation

      14. Program Participation - Confidential

      15. Program Referral

      16. Program Referral - Confidential

      17. Student Profile

      18. Student Profile - Confidential

      19. Student Test Requirements

    1. Audit Tab

Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

    1. Created on

    2. Created by

    3. Modified on

    4. Modified by

  1. Delete

Click the garbage can to delete

  1. Table

    1. Name 

Name of Group

    1. Public Key

This will be auto generated (no additional editing required)

    1. Users In group

A table with all users in the selected group

  1. Add new Users

Clicking this button opens a list of users in the district. You can select users to add to the list by clicking the checkbox.

      1. Locate staff to add to the group.

Scroll through the Alphabetical list

    1. Check the box next to their name 

    2. Click Save

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Delete

Delete or remove a user from a group

    1. First Name

    2. Last Name


A table of all permissions

  1. Table

  1. ID

The ID number of the permission

    1. Category

The category that the permission is in

    1. Name

The name of the permission

    1. Action

      1. View

A definition of the permission and what it grants access to or abilities it gives the user or group that has the specified permission

      1. A detailed description of the Permission

      2. View users with this permission

A link to the list of users with the selected permission

      1. Provides Access to...

Opens a bulleted list of access to or abilities the permission gives the user or group that has the specified permission

    1. Users with permission

A link to the list of users with the selected permission

  1. Table

    1. First Name

Users First Name

    1. Last Name

Users Last Name

    1. User Assigned

    1. Group Name

The group the user is assigned to


A table of all securables

  1. Table

  1. ID

The ID number of the Securable

    1. Area

The area that the securable has access

    1. Name

Name of the Securable

    1. Action

      1. View

A definition of the securable and what it grants access to or abilities it gives the user or group that has the specified securable

      1. A detailed description of the Securable

      2. View groups with this Securable

Opens a list of all groups with the selected Securable

      1. Provides access to...

Opens a bulleted list of what the Securable has access to

    1. Groups with Securables

Opens a list of all groups with the selected securable

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