Secondary Support Interventions

Secondary Support Interventions

The Mileposts intervention tool at the secondary level can support various aspects of instructional support that is taking place in the classroom.  We understand that as secondary educators the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues and team members about students of concern can be a significant challenge.  When classroom intervention is documented in Mileposts all teachers who have a student within their scope can view this intervention.  This communication is critical in designing instruction that helps students reach the goals that have been identified for them within a team or even an individual classroom.  

Creating an Intervention

First, find the student you want to create an intervention for.  Click on the student search link in the upper right hand corner. Enter the student name in the search field and then click the small arrow to search.

Click on the student name to enter their e-file.


Click on the Educational Support tab within the e-file.  All students will have a General Educational Support plan for each year.  If you are the first person to edit the students plan for the current school year you will need to click “Add General Education Support Plan” - otherwise just click on the current school year to enter the plan.

If you need to create the plan.


Once in the plan, scroll down to the Plan Interventions / Accommodations section.

Click on Add Intervention.

General Tab - Select the purpose from the drop down menu, the Area or Areas, Enter the number of hours per week and the Start Date.  NOTE: only the purpose and Start Date are required. Click on the Intervention tab.

Intervention Tab - Select the Intervention and Intervention Strategies. Click on the Goals/Narrative tab.

Goals/Narrative Tab - Enter you notes, goals and other details here.  NOTE: there are templates available by clicking on the Templates button.  You can click Save at this point or add associate existing progress monitors in the  Progress Monitor tab and add additional service providers in the Service Providers tab.  NOTE: these can always be added later as well.  Click Save.

Your new intervention will now be shown in the Plans Interventions / Accommodations section of the plan.

This intervention is now accessible from the RTI menu and then Interventions.

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