Searching for Artifacts

Searching for Artifacts

Searching for user artifacts that have been tagged and shared with an evaluator is an easy process. 

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click on “My Schedule”

  1. Select the Form you are wanting to for Search for Artifacts by clicking “Edit”

  1. Choose the domain that you are wanting to search

  2. Click the dropdown arrow

  1. In the dropdown a list of all Artifacts that you have added to the Evaluatee’s Portfolio will be listed. Scroll to the bottom and select “Search Artifacts”

Note: If you don’t see Search Artifact try zooming out. This will make your screen larger and the entire dropdown list will fit on the screen.

  1. Click Select Tags to open the list of Tags

  1. Click the checkboxes of the Tags that you are looking for. You can click multiple boxes to retrieve multiple Artifacts

  1. The results will show the number of Records per Level on the left of the window.

    1. Tagged at the Artifact Level (Found in the Evaluatee’s Shared Artifacts )

    2. Tagged at the Question Level (by specific Domain/SubDomain)

    3. Tagged at the Response level (Note Taker) 

  2. All Artifacts related to your search will be displayed in the window below the level. Click on the level to open visibility to the window

  3. All Artifacts in this window are for the Evaluatee, from the open Evaluation. This is visible in the Black bar across the top of the evaluation.

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