School Year Setup

School Year Setup

  1. School Years

  1. Filter

    1. Year: Year select dropdown 

    1. Change global Current School Year: Year selector for selecting the current year

    1. Clone school year: Used to create a duplicate of the current year to be used for the next year

    1. Add new School Year/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. School Name: Choose a school From the dropdown 

        2. School Year

        3. Start Date: School Year Start Date

        1. End Date: School Year End Date

      1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Sync Information

        1. Sync Source

        2. Sync ID

        3. Sync Time

      2. Click Save

    1. Refresh List: Refreshes the table

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Delete

    1. Table

  1. School: School Name

    1. Year: The year the user is working in

    1. Start Date: School Year Start Date

    1. End Date: School Year End Date

    1. Navigate

      1. Terms

  1. Add new Term/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Term

          1. School: School Name

          2. School Year

          3. Name: Term Name

          4. Start Date: Term Start Date

          5. End Date: Term End Date

    1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Sync Information

        1. Sync Source

        2. Sync ID

        3. Sync Time

      2. Click Save

    1. Refresh list: Refreshes the table

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Delete

    1. Table

  1. School

  2. Year

  3. Name

  4. Start Date: Term Start Date

  5. End Date: Term End Date

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