Rolling Over Packages to the Current Year

Rolling Over Packages to the Current Year

Rolling Over Packages to the Current Year

Before your district copies the packages from one year to the next to need to make sure that the current year has been updated. For more information please see Add Current School Year

The Copy Package is a quick way to clone a package from one year to the next. It will copy the document requirements and advance the "Due Date" to the same date in the specified new Evaluation Year.

Note: The Copy will be set as "Not Active" by default to allow for verification and modifications before making it available for use.

  1. Log in to Teacher Vitae

  2. Hover over More

  3. Click Admin

  4. Hover over Admin+

  5. Click Packages

  6. In the Action column

  7. Click Copy

  8. Note: The copy option is only available in previous years and will not show in the Action Column for the current year.

  9. Name the Package

  10. Select the current year from the dropdown

  11. Note: The active box is set to not active by default and can not be set in this screen. To make the Package Active you need to review the Package from the Packages Screen and follow the instructions starting at Step 11

  12. Click Save
    Activate the Package

  13. Navigate to the Package Screen (See steps 1 through 5 above).

  14. Change the Package year field to the current year

  15. In the Action Column

  16. Click Edit

  17. Review the Package

  18. Check the Active box

  19. Click Save

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