Renaissance Star Data Retrieval New

Renaissance Star Data Retrieval New

Generate Extract

  • Login to the Renaissance site with an admin login

  • Click Star Reading

  • Click Historical Extract

  • Click Choose Assignment Type 

  • Click Assignments from Assignment Apps

  • Click Star Reading Assessment (English)

  • Click STAR Reading Enterprise Assessment (English)

  • Click Apply

  • Click Select Schools

  • Choose all Schools 


  • Select Schools

    • Select School or Schools

  • Click Apply

  • Click the School Year that you need

  • Click Generate Extract

  • Exports will be listed at the bottom of the page (This may take some time)

  • Click Download Extract

Edit the Extract File

  • Download and open the File

  • Find the Activity Completed Date (AD)

  • Right Click Column ID

  • Click Format Cells

  • In the Number Tab

  • Click Date

  • Click the first date option

  • Click OK

  • Click Filter

  • Click Sort Oldest to Newest

  • Click Expand the selection

  • Sort

  • Find the last date of the testing session

  • Save as CSV

  • Upload the file to Mileposts

  • Repeat for all sessions necessary

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