Renaissance Star Data Retrieval

Renaissance Star Data Retrieval

1. Login to the Renaissance site with an admin login

2. From the home page click Users

3. Click Export Information

4. Click the Export link to the right of School District, if there is no district link then export each school one by one. 

5. Select ONE Assessment at a time (Math, Reading or Early Lit) and click Next

6. Enter in the test session Start and End dates and click next.

Renaissance has defined the test windows as follows, you can NOT select an entire year, you must select one of the following date range/test sessions:

8/1 to 11/30 Fall 

12/1 to 3/31 Winter 

4/1 to 7/31 Spring

Remember to name the file accordingly, example: star math 2015-16 fall.csv

7. Click the Download link. The file is now downloaded to your downloads folder.

      a. Open the file make sure you have student last and first names, correctID numbers, the date range you wanted (DateTaken column) and the data you are expecting. 

      b. If you do not have a valid ID in the StudentId column or the StateStudentID column, the data will not load!!! If your student ID’s are bad, you will need to get with Renaissance to correct these before downloading a data file.

      c. If there is text above your header row you will need to delete those rows. The header row (LastName, FirstName, StudentId, etc) has to be the first row in the file or it will fail validation when you go to import the file. Delete this row and save the file before using AAI to load your file.

If the file is correct save it as star math 2015-16 fall.csv or as the assessment and session you downloaded.

8. You are now ready to load your data file in EdHub using the Automated Assessment Importer(AAI). If you have any questions or need help with AAI please open a support ticket.

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