Programs Tab

Programs Tab

Programs Tab

The Programs section of the Student e-file provides a summary of any programs implemented with the student. 


  • Once Mileposts is installed, programs for students are recorded and maintained, adding to the thoroughness of the student record. 

  • By accessing the Programs tab in the e-file you immediately see whether a student is participating in any programs or not.

To Access the Programs Tab:

  •  From the Mileposts homepage click on Student Search

  • In the Search Table type in the student’s first or last name

  • Click on the arrow to search for the student

  • When the search results come up click on the desired student’s last name to go to their Student e-file

Once in the Student e-file you can click on the Programs tab to view program participation as documented in Mileposts for your selected student.



  • A Green “Add Student To Program” button provides the ability to immediately select a program for the student and add it to the student’s profile. 

  • A list of programs for the student is provided. 



Note: In order to utilize the new detailed Programs module, Programs must be set up and enabled in the Backstage of Mileposts.

Select a program to access the summary of the program, entry/withdrawal dates, reviews/status, plans, interventions, testing guidelines, and reports. 

Consistent with other features in the Mileposts program, printing is available on each section. Viewing and editing is available, with certain safeguards in place to limit or deny data/results editing. This maintains the integrity of captured data.

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