Programs Admin Setup

Programs Admin Setup

Students participate in Programs that are standard or defined by the district (ie GATE, ELL,504 etc). 

  1. Programs Page

    1. Add New Programs/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Name: Name of the Program

        2. Public Key: This will auto generate (No action needed)

        3. Active: Is the Program turned on and accessible (Yes or No)

        4. Manage Locally

        5. Enable Referrals: Can a student be referred to this Program (Yes or No)

        6. Enable Plans: Can Plans be added to this Program

        7. Participation Tracking: What type of tracking is being used

          1. Disabled: No tracking

          2. Detailed: Detailed view of Program information

          3. Summary: Summarization of Program information

        8. Exit Participation Code

        9. Participation is Confidential: Is this Programs participation confidential (Yes or No)

        10. Referrals are Confidential: Is this Programs referrals confidential (Yes or No)

    1. Mission: A text box for detailed description of the mission or purpose of the program

      1. Vision: A text box for detailed description of the vision or goal of the program

      1. Policies: A text box for detailed description of the policies or guidelines of the program

      1. Procedures: A text box for detailed description of the procedures of the program

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

    1. Refresh List: Refreshes the table

    1. Programs Table

  1. Action

      1. Delete (garbage can)

      2. Table

    1. Name: Name of the Program

    1. Active : Is the Program Active

      1. (Yes or No)

    1. Referrals: Are Referrals enabled or disabled

    1. Plans: Are Plans enabled or disabled

    1. Participation: What type of participation tracking is being used


School Programs

Schools that have access to the Program

      1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Edit: See Add new School Program

        1. Delete

        1. School: Name of the school

        1. Active: Does the school have access to the Program

          1. True 

          2. False

        1. Referrals 

        2. Plans

        3. Participation

        4. Navigate

          1. Staff

      1. Add new School Program Staff

          1. General Tab

          2. Program Name

          3. School Name

          4. Check the box next to all staff members that need access to the Program

          5. Click Save

        1. Table

          1. Action

          2. Delete: Delete users that no longer need access to the Program

        1. First Name

        2. Last Name

User-Defined Fields

Add fields to the Program that are defined in Mileposts and added manually

    1. Add new User-Defined Field

      1. General Tab

        1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

      1. Name: Name of the field

        1. Display Name: How the field is displayed

        1. Public Key: This will be auto-generated (No Action Needed)

        1. Data Type: Choose from the following. This is how the data will be entered

          1. Text

          2. Checkbox

          3. List

        1. Manage 

          1. Locally: Within Mileposts

          1. Remotely: From Student Information System

        1. Show on Listing Page: Yes or No (Checked = Yes)

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

      1. Created on

      2. Created by

      3. Modified on

      4. Modified by

      5. Click Save

    1. Table

  1. Action

    1. Edit 

    2. Delete

  2. Name: Name of the field

    1. Display Name: How the field is displayed

    1. Public Key: This will be auto-generated (No Action Needed)

    1. Data Type

    2. Managed in Mileposts: Yes or No

    1. Options

      1. Manage List Items

      1. Add new Item/Edit

          1. General Tab

            1. UDF:User Defined field

            2. Name: Item Name

            3. Value: What will be displayed

        1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

          1. Created on

          2. Created by

          3. Modified on

          4. Modified by

          5. Click Save

        1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Reorder: Order shown on this table is how it will be displayed

        2. Edit

        3. Delete

          1. Name : Item Name

          2. Value: Display Name


Entry/Withdrawal Area

    1. Entry Codes

    2. Add new Program Entry Codes/Edit

      1. General Tab 

        1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

        2. Name: Name of the Code

        1. Active: Is the code Active

          1. Yes or No

        1. Default Code

        2. Code

        3. Description: Detailed description of the code

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

      1. Created on

      2. Created by

      3. Modified on

      4. Modified by

      5. Click Save

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Edit 

        2. Delete

      2. Name: Name of the Code

      1. Active: Is the code Active

        1. Yes or No

      1. Default Code

      2. Code

      3. Description: Detailed description of the code

    1. Exit Codes

    2. Add new Program Exit Code/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

        2. Name: Name of the Code

        1. Active: Is the code Active

          1. Yes or No

        1. Is Default Code

        2. Code

        3. Description: Detailed description of the code

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

      1. Created on

      2. Created by

      3. Modified on

      4. Modified by

      5. Click Save

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Edit 

        2. Delete

      2. Name: Name of the Code

      1. Active: Is the code Active

        1. Yes or No

      1. Default Code

      2. Code

      3. Description: Detailed description of the code

    1. Participation Codes

      1. Add new Program Participation Code/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

        1. Name: Name of the Code

          1. Active: Is the code Active

            1. Yes or No

          1. Use as Default Entry Code

            1. Yes or No

          2. Use as Default Exit Code

            1. Yes or No

          3. Code

          4. Description: Detailed description of the code

        1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

          1. Created on

          2. Created by

          3. Modified on

          4. Modified by

          5. Click Save

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Edit 

        2. Delete

      2. Name: Name of the Code

      1. Active: Is the code Active

        1. Yes or No

      1. Default for Entry

      2. Default for Exit

      3. Code

Review and status Configuration

    1. Reviews

      1. Add new Program Review Type/Edit

        1. General Tab

          1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

          2. Name: Name of the Code

          3. Active: Is the code Active

            1. Yes or No

          4. Description: Detailed description of the code

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

        5. Click Save

      1. Table

        1. Action

        2. Name

        3. Description

        4. Active

        5. Checklist

        6. Outcomes

    1. Status

      1. Add new Program Tracker/Edit

        1. General Tab

          1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

          2. Name: Name of the Code

          3. Active: Is the code Active

            1. Yes or No

          4. Description: Detailed description of the code

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

        5. Click Save

      1. Table

        1. Action

        2. Name

        3. Description

        4. Active

        5. Status Value

        6. Transition Justifications


Referral Codes

    1. Add new Program Referral Code/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

        2. Name: Name of the Code

        1. Active: Is the code Active

          1. Yes or No

        1. Code

        2. Description: Detailed description of the code

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

      1. Created on

      2. Created by

      3. Modified on

      4. Modified by

      5. Click Save

    1. Table

      1. Action

      2. Active 

      3. Code

      4. Description

Referral Outcome Codes

    1. Add new Program Referral Outcome Code/Edit

      1. General Tab

        1. Program: Defined on the Programs page (Not Editable)

        2. Name: Name of the Code

        1. Active: Is the code Active

          1. Yes or No

        1. Outcome Code

        2. Description: Detailed description of the code

      1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

      1. Created on

      2. Created by

      3. Modified on

      4. Modified by

      5. Click Save

    1. Table

      1. Action

      2. Active 

      3. Code

      4. Description

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