Professional Portfolio Overview

Professional Portfolio Overview

The Professional Portfolio in Teacher Vitae (aka "My Portfolio") helps educators capture personal success and reflection on practice, enabling meaningful conversations around the teaching process.  Portfolio features include:

  • Allows the user to organize evidence and artifacts privately, and share at user discretion
  • Supports rich text narratives, and attachments of all major types (videos, images, docs, pdfs, etc.)
  • Enables tagging of artifacts to district-defined categories (such as evaluation domains and components)
  • Detaches and moves with the educator, preserving a longitudinal record of artifacts and evaluations

To access your own professional portfolio:

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Navigate to My Portfolio

  1. The My Portfolio page has two important components:

    1. The Storage and Search window on the left

    2. The Documents/Artifacts window on the right

  1. The the Storage/Search window has two tabs 

    1. Folder View: best used to create and store Documents/Artifacts

    2. Tag View: great for searching Artifacts that have been tagged with District specified Standards and/or Characteristics


In Folder View 

  1. Create custom Folders under the Folder View tab

  2. Store your Documents/Artifacts in your folders similarly to storing documents in your computer’s folders/file system by clicking +Add Artifact

In Tag View 

  1. Search by Tag Family 

  2. Click dropdown arrow to see the Tags within the Tag Family

  3. Next to the Tag Family is a count of total items tagged with that Tag in that Tag Family

  1. Choosing a folder from the left window, opens a table in the right window showing all the Documents/Artifacts stored in that folder. 

  2. This table can be filtered to make searching for specific items easy by clicking the filter icons in the header row of the table.

  3. Other functionality is available in the Action column. 

    1. Edit

    2. View

    3. Print

    4. Create PDF

    5. Move

    6. Share

    7. Delete


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