Professional Development Course/Session Import File Specifications

Professional Development Course/Session Import File Specifications

This document covers the required columns, optional columns, what type of data that each column will accept, what will cause errors or incomplete imports and how to export and import Professional Development Courses and Sessions.

Best Practice: Always export courses before importing new courses. Add new Courses to the Export. If nothing is changed in the new import nothing will change. Imports only make changes when new data is added.

Required Columns

The following columns need to have data for the import to work correctly. If any of the following columns have empty cells the import will fail.

  1. Title

The Title of the Course. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters.

  1. AudienceType

The Audience Type of the course must be an exact, case sensitive match to an existing audience type in the organization. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters.

Best Practice: Copy and paste the Audience Type from the Manage Audience Type page in Teacher Vitae Admin.

  1. DeliveryType

The Delivery Type of the course must be an exact, case sensitive match to an existing Delivery Type in the organization. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters.

Best Practice: Copy and paste the Delivery Type from the Delivery Type dropdown in Manage course Catalog in Teacher Vitae Admin.

  1. CourseSubjects

The Course Subjects of the course must be an exact, case sensitive match to an existing Course Subjects in the organization. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters. Multiple Subjects can be added by separating them with a semicolon.

Best Practice: Copy and paste the Course Subjects from the Manage Subjects page in Teacher Vitae Admin.

  1. EducationLevels

The Education Levels of the course must be an exact, case sensitive match to an existing Education Levels in the organization. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters. Multiple Levels can be added by separating them with a semicolon.

Best Practice: Copy and paste the Education Levels from the Manage Education Levels page in Teacher Vitae Admin.

  1. CreditType

The Credit Type of the course must be an exact, case sensitive match to an existing Credit Type in the organization. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters. 

Best Practice: Copy and paste the Credit Type from the Credit Type dropdown in Manage course Catalog in Teacher Vitae Admin.

Optional Columns

  1. OrgName

District level Name. This is autogenerated with no additional data needed.

  1. MeetsCertificationRequirements

Specified if the course meets certification requirements.  Allowable values: true or false (case insensitive)

  1. CourseUniqueIdentifier

This is autogenerated with no additional data needed. However, if the course is offered by an institution using a course guid in a format like 684F9E05-991C-47BB-A73F-A7ECD39E2303 it can be added manually. If CourseUniqueIdentifier is specified, the course will be updated if the course exists, otherwise the course will be added.

  1. Instructor

The Course Instructor. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters. 

  1. Summary

The Course Summary. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters. 

  1. Description

The Course Description. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters.

  1. CourseNumber

If offered from an institution like a university that has course numbers. This field accepts whole numbers (No Decimals).

  1. Credits

If the Course awards Credits like Courses offered from an institution like a university. This field accepts whole numbers and decimals.

  1. Provider

The institution offering the Course. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters.

  1. ProviderCourseUri

The institution’s Web Address. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters in the form of a URI or URL.

  1. ProviderRegistrationUri

The institution’s Registration Web Address. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters in the form of a URI or URL.

  1. ProviderContentUri

The institution’s Course Content Web Address. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters in the form of a URI or URL.

  1. CourseImageUri

The institution’s Course Image Web Address. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters in the form of a URI or URL.

(Note) This field is only for export and does not import to Teacher Vitae. All images need to be imported manually.

  1. Cost

The Cost of the Course if offered by an institution like a university. This field accepts whole numbers and decimals.

  1. MinEnrollments

The Minimum number of Enrollments. This field accepts whole numbers (No Decimals).

  1. MaxEnrollments

The Maximum number of Enrollments. This field accepts whole numbers (No Decimals).

  1. Hours

The length of the Course. This field accepts whole numbers and decimals.

  1. SessionName

The Name of the Course Session.  If the session name and start date exists, then a Course Session will be created for the Course. Otherwise the Session will have to be added manually in the Manage Course Catalog of Teacher Vitae. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 100 characters.

  1. StartDate

The Start Date of the Course and Session, if Session name is specified. Format is “MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.FFF”.  

(Note) Time is optional.

  1. EndDate

The End Date of the Course and Session, if Session name is specified. Format is “MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.FFF”.  

(Note) Time is optional.

  1. Notes

Any Course/Session Notes. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 2000 characters.

  1. RegistrationDeadline

The Deadline to Register for the Course and Session, if Session name is specified. Format is “MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS.FFF”.  

(Note) Time is optional.

  1. Location

Course session location. The field accepts letters and numbers up to 2000 characters.

Exporting Courses/Sessions

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Hover Over More

  3. Click Admin

  1. Hover Over Manage PD+

  2. Click Import / Export Course Catalog

  1. Click Export

The Excel file will be downloaded to your computer. 

Importing Courses/Sessions

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Hover Over More

  3. Click Admin

  1. Hover Over Manage PD+

  2. Click Import / Export Course Catalog

  1. Click Import

  1. Click Select File

  1. Select the file that you wish to Import.

  2. Click Open

  1. Click Submit Import

The import will start 

  1. Check the Status Column

When the Status reaches Completed 

  1. Check the Details Column

A successful Import will have: 

    1. The correct number Processed(P)

    2. The correct number Inserted(I)

    3. The correct number of Updated(U)

    4. Zero Deleted(D)

    5. Zero Errors(E)

    6. Zero Warnings(W)

And a Status of:

    1.  Completed

Import Errors

If the Import errors or does not complete

  1. Click View in the Actions Column

  1. Click Show next to the Import Details

  1. Identify the error and correct it.

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