Professional Development Analysis

Professional Development Analysis

Professional Development Analysis is a quick look at Professional Development based on several different filters. Use different filters to drill down and get custom bar charts to analyze district offered Professional Development. All data is based on district offered courses that have enrollment. If a course has no enrollment it will not add information to the charts.


  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click Reports

  1. Click Professional Development Analysis

Layout and Overview

  1. Filters

To narrow down results filter by the following:

    1. School Year

Choose the current School Year

  1. Status

    1. All

    2. In Progress

    3. Complete

  2. Subject Area

Subjects will defer from district to district. Example Subjects would be Math, Science and History.

    1. School/Schools

Select the Schools to view from the dropdown.

    1. Credit Type

Credit types will differ from district to district. The default Credit Types are:

      1. N/A

      2. Continuing Education Units (CEU)

      3. Graduate Semester Credit Hours

      4. Professional Development Credit

      5. Quarter Credit Hours

      6. Undergrad Certification Credits

    1. Course Tags

If the course is tagged by a district framework it can be entered here.

  1. View By

    1. District

A top level view of Professional Development

    1. Organizational Units/Schools

Used if Schools were selected in the Filter section. This will drill down from district to the schools selected.

  1. Credit Types

Adds granularity to the selected Filter in the Filter section by showing Credit Types along with the selected Filters.

    1. Subject Areas

Adds granularity to the selected Filter in the Filter section by showing Subject Areas along with the selected Filters.

    1. Status

Adds granularity to the selected Filter in the Filter section by showing the Status along with the selected Filters.

  1. Professional Development Stats

Bar Charts displayed based on filter selections. Clicking the bar will drill deeper into the data.

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