Performing a Teacher Self-Assessment

Performing a Teacher Self-Assessment

Many districts are asking teachers to self-assess their performance to enhance reflection and/or evidence for summative evaluations. If your district has placed such a self-reflection document in the portfolio templates area, here's a quick video and step by step instructions on how to launch, edit, and share a self-assessment form.

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click on “My Portfolio”

  1. Choose a folder to launch the Self-Assessment from. 

Note: A self-Assessment can’t be launched from the folder “My Observations and Evaluations” choose or create a different folder.

  1. Click “+Add Artifact”

  2. Click Teacher Self Assessment Rubric [Idaho]

Note: If Teacher Self-Assessment is not available please contact Silverback to have it added.

  1. Name the Self-Assessment

  2. The folder defaults to the folder that you launched the Self-Assessment from but this can be changed here if you wish.

  3. The School year defaults to the current year but this can be changed also.

  4. You can tag your Self-Assessment 

Note: If you used a Folder attached to a Standard then this Self-Assessment will already be Tagged.

  1.  The Date field defaults to the current date but this can be changed.

  2. Click Confirm


  1. Clicking Confirm automatically opens the form. 

Notice that it looks similar to the End of Year Evaluation 

  1. The left side of the form is how you navigate through the domains. Clicking a domain will take the center of the screen to that part of the form and is where you complete the Self-Assessment.

  2. In the selected domain you can select a score on the rubric

    1. Unsatisfactory

    2. Basic

    3. Proficient

    4. Distinguished

    5. Not Rated

  3. Within the Rubric you can select a justification for you r score in the rubric.

  4. You can additional comments or self-reflection in the comment section.

  5. You can upload and attach documents to add further evidence to support your score in the rubric (ie lesson plans, class assignments etc).

  1. As you complete the Self-Assignment Teacher Vitae will keep track of your progress and averages the domain score in the Navigation Pane. 


  1. Once you have completed your Self-Assessment form you can Share it with your Supervisor. 

  2. Navigate down to Finalize Document

  3. At this point you can mark it complete.

  1. To share this Self-Assessment with you Supervisor

  2. Click the Gear/Settings icon

  1. Click the “Share With” field

  2. Choose your supervisor from the Dropdown menu

  3. Click “Save”

  1. When you click “Save” the person that you Shared With will automatically receive a Notification indicating that you have Shared a document with them. They will also receive a notification in their Teacher Vitae account 

  1. When you have completed the Self-Assessment click the Save and Close  button at the top of the screen.