Modifying a Progress Monitor

Modifying a Progress Monitor

How to Access Existing Progress Monitors

There are two ways to access an existing progress monitor to modify it.

To modify a group progress monitor - click on Group Progress Monitors from the home screen.


Click on RTI from the home screen and then click on Progress Monitors Groups.

To modify an individual progress monitor, click on RTI from the home screen and then click on Progress Monitors.

Modifying a Group Progress Monitor 

From the Progress Monitor Groups page, find the group progress monitor you want to modify, in the Actions column to the right of the screen, click the appropriate action you would like to take.

You can edit the group progress monitor, add probe data, close the group progress monitor, view group results or group average results, delete the group progress monitor or transfer ownership of the group progress monitor through these actions.

Editing the group progress monitor will walk you through the same screens that you went through to create the progress monitor.  Clicking Next will take you through each of the steps.

See additional articles on Adding Probe Data, Adding a Change Line, Deleting  or Closing Progress Monitors.

Modifying an Individual Progress Monitor 

From the Progress Monitors page, find the progress monitor you want to modify, in the Actions column to the right of the screen, click the appropriate action you would like to take.

You can edit the progress monitor, add probe data, close the progress monitor, view results, delete the progress monitor or transfer ownership of the group progress monitor through these actions.

Please note the Group column - all progress monitors for students will show up here in this list - but if the student progress monitor is part of a group progress monitor you will see the group name - you might want to edit the Group Progress Monitor vs just editing just a single student in the group.

If you do choose to edit the student progress monitor from a group - note that you will also see an option to Remove Progress Monitor, which means you will just remove this student from the group progress monitor.

Editing the progress monitor will walk you through the same screens that you went through to create the progress monitor.  Clicking Next will take you through each of the steps.

Additional Articles of Interest:

Add Probe Data to a Progress Monitor

Add a Change Line to a Group Progress Monitor 

Deleting a Progress Monitor

Closing a Progress Monitor 

Transfer Progress Monitor Ownership

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