Mileposts Notification System

Mileposts Notification System



The Mileposts Notification System generates real-time alerts specific to student behavior and other events, keeping teachers and administrators informed and up-to-date on student issues. The MNS is an opt-in system, and must be configured by the District Mileposts Administrator. Once configured, users may subscribe, and alerts will populate in the Notification Tab on the Mileposts dashboard. 


Terms and Definitions


Active or Inactive Topic


If a Topic is active, then alerts are received by subscribed users through the Mileposts Notification System. This is a simple checkbox selection in the configuration process. The Districts Mileposts Admin decides if a Notification Topic is active or inactive. If a Topic is inactive, it is not available for alerts in the MNS. 




The Districts Mileposts Admin determines if a Notification Topic should be moderated or unmoderated. Moderators are tasked with managing the Mileposts Notification System’s moderated Topics.  If a Topic is not moderated, then any Mileposts user in the school district may subscribe. If a Moderator is assigned to a Topic, the user request will remain pending until the moderator has approved it. Topic Moderators can be added or deleted as needed. 


Notification Alert

Users are alerted to new Notifications by a red oval with the number of current Notifications under and to the right of the Notification Link at the top of the homepage. This will be cleared when Notifications are viewed.

  1. Login to Mileposts

  2. Click Notifications


  1. Login to Mileposts

  2. Click Manage

  3. Click Notifications

Notifications Area

The Notification Area is a table displaying all your current notifications. 


The Action dropdown lets the user mark the Notification as read or unread. 

  1. Check the checkbox next to the Notification

  2. Click the Action button 

  3. Select 

    1. Mark as Read 

    2. Mark as Unread


The Notifications can be Filtered by Read, Unread or All

View Notifications

To view the Notification Click the Magnification Glass in the View column.

Notification Subscriptions

Navigate to Notification Subscriptions

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click Manage

  3. Click Notification Subscriptions


Used to view Edit and Delete current Notification Subscriptions. On this page all Subscriptions are listed in a table.

Add New Subscription

  1. Click Subscription Tab 

  2. Click Add New Subscription

  1. Topic Type

Select a topic type from the dropdown

  1. Topic Name

Select the name of the topics from the dropdown

  1. Schools

Select schools that you have scope to that you wish to receive notifications from

  1. Frequency of Notifications

Select one of the options that best fits your needs

    1. Instant

    2. Daily

    3. Weekly

  1. Click Save

Edit Subscription

  1. Click Subscription Tab

  2. Click Edit Pencil

  1. Topic Type

Select a topic type from the dropdown

  1. Topic Name

Select the name of the topics from the dropdown

  1. Schools

Select schools that you have scope to that you wish to receive notifications from

  1. Frequency of Notifications

Select one of the options that best fits your needs

    1. Instant

    2. Daily

    3. Weekly

  1. Click Save

Delete Subscription

  1. Click Subscription Tab

  2. Click Delete Trash Can

  1. Confirm Deletion


If Specific Notifications are determined by the Administration to need Moderation and you are the moderator the notifications needing to be moderated will be shown on this table. If the administration has not set any Moderators the page will be blank.

If you are the Moderator of a specific type of Notification and a new Notification is generated the Notification will be in your Moderation Tab. The Notification can be Approved or Denied. The Table can be Filtered based on Status

  1. Click The Moderation Tab

  2. Filter

    1. Status

      1. Pending

      2. Approved

      3. Denied

  3. Click the checkbox next to the topic that needs to be Moderated

  4. Approve

Click Approve to Approve the Notification

  1. Deny

Click Deny to Deny the Notification

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