Managing School & Class Scope

Managing School & Class Scope


The first step in all authorization checks to student data is whether or not a user has scope to a student or a class of students. If they do not have scope to a student or a class of students they are immediately denied access.

Class Scope

Class scope is managed by the teacher roster attached to a class. If a teacher is on the teacher roster for a particular class they then have access to that class of students. Classes are normally defined in their District SIS System and are synced to Mileposts every evening. i.e. A teacher will see the same classes and students in Mileposts that they see in their District SIS system.

The Mileposts system allows for the creation of additional lists of students which behave in the same manner that SIS lists behave. These lists also have a teacher roster which defines which Mileposts users have access to the list of students.

School Scope

School scope defines what schools a user has access to. There are three different types of school scope as described below.

Limited School Scope: Those with limited school scope will only have access to students in classes that they have access to.

Full School Scope: Those with full school scope will have access to all of the students currently enrolled at the specified school.

Full Historical School Scope: Those with full historical school scope will have access to all of the students who were ever enrolled at the specified school.

Managing School & Class Scope

School scope is managed in the Users profile.

Mileposts Admin -> User Accounts -> Edit User -> School Scope Tab

The SIS sync process will put everyone in their respective schools with Limited School Scope which is exactly what you want for teachers who have class rosters in their SIS system.

The district will generally only have to change the school scope for those individuals in the district who do not have SIS classes and need to see all students. At a school this may be principals, school counselors and a handful of others.

As mentioned before class scope is generally managed by the SIS sync process. A teacher should see the same classed in Mileposts as they see in their SIS system.

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