Managing Portfolio Documents

Managing Portfolio Documents

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Follow the step by step document below.

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click “My Portfolio”

  1. “My Portfolio” has two sections “My Folders” and “General”/Artifacts

The “My Foldeers” Pane

  1. Folders can be added by clicking “+Add Folder” and giving the Folder a name.

  1. The name of the Folder can be changed by clicking the Pencil

  2. The Folders can be reordered by clicking on the Arrows and dragging the Folder into the desired position.

  1. Folders can be Deleted by clicking the Trash Can

Note: The folders “General” “My Observations and Evaluations” and “Trash” can’t be Deleted or Edited

General/Artifacts Pane

  1. Artifacts can be added by clicking “+Add Artifact”

  2. You can Preview an Artifact Template by clicking Preview on the right

  3. To choose an Artifact Template click the Name of the Template on the left.

  1. Name the Artifact

  2. The Folder will default to the Folder that you are in. However, you can choose to put the Artifact in a different folder by changing the Folder from the dropdown menu.

  3. Choose the school year

  4. Tag the Artifact

  5. The date will default to the current date but you can change the date by clicking the Calendar icon.

  6. Click “Confirm”

  1. The General/Artifacts Pane has five columns 

    1. School Year:

    2. Name:

    3. Form:

    4. Status:

    5. Action:

and can be filtered by clicking the filter icon next to the column header.

  1. In the Action column you can:

    1. Edit: the Artifact

    2. View: the Artifact

    3. Print: the Artifact

    4. Create PDF

    5. Move: the Artifact to a different Folder

    6. Share: the Artifact with a colleague or supervisor

    7. Delete: the Artifact

Editing an Artifact

  1. Click the Edit button in the Action Pane

  2. In the artifact you can use the Rich Text box to enter evidence. 

Note: You can also create a link to Share Google Documents (See Sharing Google Docs on Teacher Vitae for more information)

  1. In the Attachments section click “Select files” to add Attachment to your Artifact.

  1. This will open up the hard drive in your computer. Find the document that you wish to attach.

  2. Click “Open”

  3. You can edit the properties of the document by clicking the Gear icon/Settings and clicking “Save”

  1. When finished click the Checkbox “Complete and Share”

The Evaluation History Folder

  1. From any Form you can click on the dropdown arrow in the header next to the Form’s name and see all the Artifacts that are logged for the staff member that is named in the header

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