Managing Portal Visibility

Managing Portal Visibility

Districts can configure what is displayed on the parent / student portal in a very granular fashion. The following screenshot shows some but not all the different areas of student data and functionality that a district can turn on or off for parents and/or students. If the area is set to be visible you may also specify the number of years of data that are displayed. 

In the Assessments and Plans areas the district can control the visibility and configuration of specific assessments and/or plans.


  1. Login to Mileposts as an Administrator

  2. Click Admin

  1. Hover Over Setup

  2. Hover Over Portal Setup

  3. Click Visibility Configurator

  1. Click + to expand the feature set

  2. Click - to close additional feature set

  3. Click the Edit Pencil icon to edit

  1. Check the box under Parent or Student to make the feature visible

  2. Uncheck the box under Parent or Student to remove the feature visibility

  3. Click the check to save and close

  4. Click the X to cancel and close

  5. Click Close


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