Manage Student Program Reviews and Status Transitions

Manage Student Program Reviews and Status Transitions

District programs that are configured to be Detail Tracking provide the added functionality of maintaining program-related status monitor transitions and reviews. Status monitors are district configured concepts with a set number of states that a student can transition through. Language Proficiency (or LEP status) is a great example of a status monitor within an English Language Learner (ELL) program. Mileposts maintains a students chronological transition from one status value to another, along with transition dates, notes, and transition justifications. Program reviews are highly configurable by a district and can help maintain review information for annual or periodic reviews with review details, team members, a set number of checklist-type fields and review outcomes.

Programs Page Reviews/Status

Managing program reviews and status transitions is easy using the Mileposts Review and Status Wizard.

  1. Login to Mileposts

  2. Click RTI

  3. Click Programs

  1. Click Manage Participation link for the specific program

  1. On the Program Participation page, there is a table of students currently participating in the selected program for the selected school. 

Note: Mileposts users must have manage program participation permissions, to continue with the steps below.

  1. From the Actions drop down you can Review their Status, see entry or withdrawal information and more.

Student eFile Reviews/Status

  1. Login to Mileposts

  2. Navigate to the specific Student eFile

  3. Click Student Search


  1. Click Students

  2. Click Student Search

  1. Select the student from the table 

    1. Search Table Filter

      1. Type at least 3 letters of the students name

      2. Press the arrow to filter results


    1. Click Student Last Name

  1. Click Programs Tab

  2. Click Reviews and Status

Add New Review Status


  1. Click Add new Review Status

  1. This opens a new window 

  2. Every Program is different and the process for each will differ

  3. Follow the on screen prompts

  4. Click Finish


  1. Click the View Magnifying Glass

This opens a summary of the Program Review


  1. Click the Edit Pencil

  2. Repeat the steps for Add above


  1. Click the Delete Trash Can

  2. Confirm Delete

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