Making and Managing District Interventions List

Making and Managing District Interventions List

Managing/Making Changes to the Interventions List
Districts have the opportunity to customize the interventions list so that the intervention selections that are available to teachers pertain to their school district.  This document will walk you through how to go into the backstage of Mileposts and customize your district interventions list.  There are only a few individuals in a school district who have the permissions to perform this task within the Admin tab of Mileposts.  

Once you have logged in to Mileposts:
1. Click on the Admin tab on the Home Page, go to Mileposts Setup

2. Under Mileposts Setup, click on “Programs and Plans Setup”.
3. That will open up an additional list. Click on “Interventions”. 

4. This will bring up a box with a list of current Mileposts interventions, the Category, Tier, Active, and Strategies You can:
      a. Modify an existing intervention
      b. Add a new Intervention
      c. Modify a strategy
      d. Add a new strategy

5. Modifying an Intervention: To the left of each intervention is a pencil. This is where you open up the intervention to modify it, or make it inactive. Click on the pencil. 

      a. When you click on the pencil, the box below will open up. If this is an intervention that your district does not use, uncheck the “Active” box and click Save.

      b. The Intervention Active section will read False

6. To Add a New Intervention, click on Add new Intervention

      a. Complete the Edit Intervention template Check the Active box Name the Intervention, select the Category and Tier from the drop down Box, click Save

      b. Once you add an Intervention, it will be listed in the Intervention Box. You will now need to add a Strategy, click on Strategies.

1a. Click on: Add new Intervention Strategy 

2a Name the Strategy, check the Active box and click Save.

3a Once you click Save you will see the new strategy in the Intervention Strategies for a specific Intervention.

4a To Modify or make a strategy inactive, click on Strategies 

5a Click on the Pencil next to the intervention you want to modify

6a Uncheck the Active Box and click Save

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