Launching an Ad Hoc Evaluation

Launching an Ad Hoc Evaluation

To add or launch an Evaluation without first Assigning/Creating:

Click here to view Video

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click My Schedule

  1. Hover over +Add Evaluation

  2. Choose evaluation form type

  1. Select the “Organizational Unit” / School that the staff to be evaluated belong to.

  2. Select the “Evaluatee” to be Evaluated.

  3. Select the desired “School Year”.

  4. Select The desired “Evaluation Period”.

    1. Fall

    2. Winter

    3. Spring

  5. Click Confirm

  1. When you click “Confirm” the Evaluation will open automatically.

  2. Click “Save” or “Save and Close”

Note: If you click “Cancel” before saving the entire Evaluation will be canceled.

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