Introduction to Program Management

Introduction to Program Management


Mileposts Programs allow users to maintain information regarding student participation in standard or district-defined programs, such as Gifted & Talented (GATE), Special Education, ELL (English Language Learners) etc. Participation in a program can be as simple as whether the student is enrolled in the program or not, as determined by a flag retrieved from a district Student Information System (SIS). This is referred to as Summary Participation Tracking. Or participation can be as complex as to be managed locally by the district. In Detailed Participation Tracking, a district can maintain program entry/withdrawal data, manage static district-defined program flags (User-defined Fields or UDFs), and maintain detailed information concerning program reviews, status monitor transitions, and referrals. All available programs and configurations are maintained in the Mileposts Administration section. 

Managing Student Participation

Student participation in a Summary Tracking-configured program is handled entirely by the nightly SIS data synchronization. This type of program is intended to provide visibility of a student’s program-related status within the SIS to Mileposts users and reports.

Users with the appropriate program and school scope (see Program Security) can manage student program participation, either via the Manage | Programs menu item in the top-level menu, or via the Programs tab in the Student e-File (see Student Search). Participation in a Detailed Tracking-configured program consists of one or more Entry/Withdrawal records. These records can be configured by the district to contain Entry, Participation, and Exit codes that better define how the student is associated with the program, as well as Entry and Exit dates. An Entry/Withdrawal record is a log of when a student enters and/or exits a program, and how services are provided.

Managing Reviews and Status Transitions

A Detailed Tracking-configured program can have any number of program review types. Program Reviews are intended to allow users to maintain a historical record of student reviews within the program. Review types can be configured to match the specific program review process, including review team members, a checklist of items and notes, and possible review outcomes. Adding or editing existing reviews can be completed through the Review and Status wizard found at the Reviews/Status area of Program Participation, or at the Reviews and Status tab on the Programs tab in the Student e-File.

Programs can be configured to have one or more Status Monitors. These are intended to track the chronological progression from one status to another for a given student. For example, language proficiency is an important status to maintain for ELL students. A language proficiency status monitor can record the transition from LEP1 status to LEP status, the date this transition occurred, and the justifications for this transition. The Review and Status wizard mentioned above provides access to these transitions.

Managing Referrals

Some programs require a teacher and/or parent referral to consider adding the student to the program. Detailed Tracking-configured programs can be set to manage referrals and referral outcomes. Access the referral management area as a secondary tab in the Manage Program Participation area or from the Programs tab in the Student e-File.

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