The program was built to be an educator's tool to improve the learning for all students. Mileposts embeds relevant assessment data, both state and district-wide, which are district specified. Various modules within the program document and monitor the student as they progress through intervention strategies (Interventions and Progress Monitors), as well as provide the ability to add specific plans for students, depending on their need. For districts moving toward Personalized Learning, Mileposts features the Learning Objectives module, making quick work for teachers to set up learning objectives with activities for students (See Learning Objectives). With Single Sign-On now available for Mileposts Gooru users, educators have access to millions of resources tied to Common Core Standards, which can be assigned to students to meet their learning needs.These assignments are then available to students via the Portal. The Portal access can be given to parents and students. This is a way to fully engage both the parent and the student as part of the Learning Team.
For educators, getting a picture of the 'whole child' includes behavior. Now student behavior can be logged into the Mileposts Behavior module. When behavior begins to impact student learning, staff can put interventions in place to guide the student to a more positive behavior.
The customizable design of Mileposts allows districts to configure many of the different features and modules to better fit their unique needs.
Customizable features include:
The Mileposts program came about to solve one district's serious needs, which included the following:
Identify and act on students deemed 'At Risk'.
Bring parents and students back to the table of accountability.
Close the learning gaps.
Create one platform for staff to access assessments, interventions, plans, and content.
What are some of the needs in your district?
The primary focus of Mileposts is to improve learning for ALL students.
Within Mileposts, teachers and administrators can: