Introduction to Interventions

Introduction to Interventions


Interventions are a KEY component to helping students improve learning through intentional instructional strategies aimed at a specific skill need. 

Documenting and updating strategic interventions for students needing additional support is a critical part of responding to the needs of a student. 

Management of these interventions in Mileposts makes the information accessible for any teacher with scope to the student, and stores them for historical purposes. 

With Mileposts' extensive customization feature, each district defines, then customizes, their own tier-based intervention list and templates within the program. 

Silverback Mileposts allows users to analyze embedded assessment data (both state and district) to determine student needs, then document targeted interventions to meet those needs within the same space (Mileposts). 

Documenting an intervention strategy for an individual or group of students is quick and easy for teachers. These interventions can be tied to student learning plans, as well as adding context and purpose to embedded goals within a plan. 

Teachers have quick access from the Home Page to document relevant notes or data to a student's intervention, making the process of updating these interventions just a click away. With the Mileposts Portal, parents and students can now view, but more importantly, engage, as active plan team members.


Additional information on Response to Interventions can be found below:

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