The Mileposts - Edify integration can be completed in a few quick steps. The following diagram provides an overview of the process and who is responsible for which pieces.
The first step is to setup a nightly job that will export the students, teachers, classes and roster and sent that information to Edify.
Once a user has been tagged properly and the nightly export and import has happened the user will be able to single sign-on to Edify and see their classes, rosters and students.
This process will introduce a lag from the time that a user is tagged in Mileposts and the time they will be known in Edify. Once in a while a district may need to have this happen more quickly. In that case the District Mileposts Administrator may run the nightly export immediately and then call Silverback Learning support to have them do a special import right away. The phone number is 208-258-2580. Please see the document, Exporting Users to Edify, to learn how to run the Nightly export at any time.