Importing and Export Users

Importing and Export Users

Importing/Export Users

Importing Overview

The EdFolio employee importer will allow you to import employees from a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file on a first time and ongoing basis. You must be signed in as a Vitae Administrator to perform this operation. Employees may also be added manually in the Vitae Manage Employees area. A district should choose to add employees either manually or via an import process and not use both methods unless they fully understand the gotchas.

Please read the section Gotchas and Words of Caution for more details.

Import File Format

The EdFolio Importer can import a comma delimited file. The fields are identified by column headers and can therefore be in any order. The column headers do need to match the column headers as shown in the following table. The Vitae importer is expecting a file that has all of your employees in it and will mark existing Employees inactive if they are not in the file. Do not import a file that does not have all of your employees in it!

Column Header





The employee's first name.



The employee's last name.


The employee's middle name.



The employee's Title.

OU Public Key


The employee's organizational unit / department / school. This field must match the PublicKey for one of the Organizational Units that have been setup in EdFolio. If the Importer does not find a match this user will not be imported.



The employee's email address. This column is required to create the user names for users to log into the system.

Employee Identifier


The unique employee identifier. This may be a state assigned identifier. Quite often the Employee Identifier will also be used as the SyncId.

Employee Start Date


The date this person started employment at this organization.

Employee End Date


The date that this persons employment ended at this organization.



This employee's position. This must match a PublicKey for an existing record in the JobPositions table. If a record does not exist in the Job Positions table the importer will create a record.

Position Name


The position name.

Position Start Date


The date that this person started in this position.

Position End Date


The date that this person left this position.



The role if any the user will have in EdFolio. There can be any number of columns for roles in your import file. However, if you have more than one column for Roles they must be named uniquely and start with "Role". i.e. Role1, Role2 etc. The Role must match a Role PublicKey in EdFolio. Importing Roles is only additive. Roles will not be removed via the import process. You may also assign roles via the administrative user interface, after importing users from an import file.



This is a unique identifier for this employee in the source system that this information is being pulled from. This identifier allows the importer to import users again without duplicating users. This identifier should never change for an employee.

The more information that you can provide the better. Your experience in EdFolio will be a much richer experience as you provide more detail about your employees.

Importing Instructions

  1. Log into EdFolio as an Administrator

  2. Hover over “More”

  3. Click on “Admin”

  1. Hover over “Admin+”

  2. Click on Import/Export Employees

  1. Click on “+Import”

  1. Select the file to Import from your computer

Click “Select file”

Find the file in your drive

Click “Submit”

The importer will upload and process your file. When it has finished it will close that window and refresh the list of Imports. 

  1. Click on the View button to view the details of the import. Check this carefully for errors and warnings.

Importing Gotchas and Words of Caution

A district should choose to add employees either manually or via an import process and not use both methods without understanding some of the complications of using both methods and how to avert issues.

The import process will use the column labeled SyncId to uniquely identify each employee. The importer will see if there is already an employee with the same SyncId in the database and if there is it will update that record and not insert a new record. The problems can arise if you manually enter a new employee and you do not specify a SyncId for that employee and then attempt to import that employee down the road with a new or different SyncId. The importer will not find that employee and will insert a new record and now you have two employee records for the same employee.

Lesson - If you manually enter a user please specify the SyncId that will be used during any imports down the road.

The other word of caution is that you must always provide a full import file. i.e. You import file must contain all employees currently active in your district. This is the only way that the importer can determine if an employee has left your district. If an active employee is no longer in the import file, the import process will assume that employee no longer works at your district and will mark them inactive.

If you have any further questions, please contact our support staff or submit a support ticket.

Export Instructions

  1. Log into EdFolio as an Administrator

  2. Hover over “More”

  3. Click on “Admin”

  4. Hover over “Admin +”

  5. Click “Import/Export Employees”

  1. Click on “+ Export”

  1. Find your file in your downloads

  2. Go into Excel/Sheets:  Fill in the state identifier column I from offline DB

Note:  Don’t touch syncID field column C:  This will need to stay the same, or if one wasn’t entered manually when the employee was added, the system will automatically assign one.

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