How to use Dual Editor Forms and In Document Notifications

How to use Dual Editor Forms and In Document Notifications

This document describes how the Dual Editor Form functions and in document notifications. It will explain a couple of possible use cases. This type of form can be used to suit any use case the district feels appropriate and is versatile and customizable. 

Create Dual Editor Document

Before you can use a Dual Editor form a form must be created with the Dual Editor functionality. To learn more about creating a form see Create Dual Editor Document

Assigning a Dual Editor Document

When assigning a Dual Editor form the decision should be made, whether the evaluator should share the form with the evaluatee during the assignment process or wait until later in the evaluation process. To help make this decision, think about “when do I want the evaluatee to have access to view or edit the document”?

  • Share Now

    • Do I want them to start editing as soon as possible? Share Now

    • Do I want them to have view access to this form throughout the evaluation process? Share Now

  • Share Later

    • Do I want to finish my edits before they have visibility to this document? Share Later

    • Do I want them to start editing or viewing at a specific time of the evaluation process? Share Later

These are just examples to help you think about timing a shared document.

Share at the Time of Assignment

This can be done in three ways:

Sharing from Manage Evaluation Assignments

  1. Follow the steps in the Evaluation Assignment Wizard

  2. After selecting staff 

  3. Click Share with the following evaluatee(s)

  4. Finish the Wizard

Sharing from Manage Package Assignment

  1. Follow the steps in the Manage Package Assignment Wizard

  2. On the Choose Evaluator and Reviewer page check the chare box next to the desired form

  3. Finish the Wizard

Sharing from My Schedule

  1. Complete the assignment process

  2. When the form opens

  3. Click the Document Settings Gear Icon

  4. Check the Share With Evaluatee box

  5. Click Save

Dual Editor Functionality

After an administrator has assigned a Dual Editor form some tabs will be editable by the evaluator and some the evaluatee.  While working through the form when you open a Tab/Question Group that is intended for the other person you will not be able to click into or on any of the fields. This is seen as a red circle with a line through it in checkboxes or radio circles and in text fields you will not be able to put your cursor in the text area for typing. When you are working in your Question Group area the cursor returns and behaves normally.

Notification Tool

The notification Tool must be added to the form during the creation of the form (see Notification Tool). When using a Dual Editor form in a work flow situation where one person starts the form and the other person picks up late in the evaluation process the Notification tool is great for letting the next person you are ready for them to start their section.

When you have completed your section of a document. Click the Check to send notification checkbox This shares the document with the other editor (if it is not already) and sends a notification letting them know the document is ready for them to work on.

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