How to Edit a Quick Create Assessment with the Advanced Item Search Tool

How to Edit a Quick Create Assessment with the Advanced Item Search Tool

Begin by Creating a Quick Create Assessment and then you will be able to Edit the Assessment with the Advanced Search Tool:

  1. Log into edifyAssess

  2. Select one of your classes.

  3. Click on the Assessments drop down from the main toolbar.

  4. Select “Quick Create” from the “Assessment” tab drop down

  5. Select the Subject and Level >Next

  6.  Click on the “blue arrow” to expand the Standards and then select the standard for the assessment >Next

    7.  Select the standards you would like to have assessment items on the test your are creating by clicking in the box to the left of the standard.  Then select >Next    Fill in the number of questions for each standard >Next

    8.  Preview the assessment (Reorder, Replace or Delete question) You will have the option to Replace the Question, Delete the Question or Change the Order of the Questions.  When you are satisfied with the assessment then select>Next 

            9. Confirm/ Name the test >Save

Now once you have created a "Quick Create Assessment" you are able to go in and Edit that assessment to bring in some higher order thinking skill assessment questions.

1.  Review your created assessment through the Assessment Details:  To Edit this Assessment click on the Edit icon.

2.  You will now be directed to a new tab in edifyAuthor so that you can edit the created assessment.  From the Assessment Details page click on the green icon labeled "Add Existing Item."

3.  This step is where you will be able to specify in your search the type of higher level thinking skills you would like the students to demonstrate on the assessment.  You will begin this process by refining the criteria for your search and then clicking on the blue link, "Advanced Search" on the Search Details page.

4.  This page will allow you to really refine your search for the type of questions you would like to have appear on your created assessment.  As with any filter the more parameters you select the fewer options you will have match the search criteria.  

This example defines the item type, standard set, and cognitive level.  When you are finished select> SEARCH at the bottom.

5.  You will now be directed to the matched results based on your filters identified in your search.  To preview the question you can click on the black arrow icon and that will open a pop up window for you to view the question item.  

6.  To add the item to your created assessment you will click in the box to the left of the assessment item.  Once you have identified all of the questions which you would like to add to your assessment you will click on the green icon "Add to Assessment" and then "Return to Assessment" when you are finished editing.

7.  You will now be directed back to the Assessment Details page.  After you have reviewed the assessment you will then select SAVE and then make sure you click the green PUBLISH icon so that the process is complete and you can assign the assessment when you are ready.

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