Forms with Rubrics

Forms with Rubrics

Forms with Rubrics

  1. Log in to Teacher Vitae

  2. Hover over More

  3. Click Admin

  1. Click Manage Forms

  1. Select a Form

  2. Click Edit


  1.  Create a from from scratch

  2. Click +Add Form

Once in the Form

For detailed instructions on form building see Creating Evaluation Forms

  1. Open a question group by clicking the dropdown arrow

  1. Select the Toolbox Tab

  1. Open the Questions tools by clicking the dropdown arrow

  1. Select Green Scoring Rubric from the available list of tools by dragging and dropping it into the Default Question Group

  1. Open the New Scoring Rubric Question by clicking the dropdown arrow

  1. Add all necessary Rubrics by dragging and dropping the yellow Rubrics to the New Scoring Questions

  1. Open New Rubric by clicking the dropdown arrow

  1. Add all necessary Justifications by dragging and dropping the Pink Justification into the New Rubric

  1. Click on the Green New Scoring Rubric Question

  2. Click the Properties Tab

  1.  Set the fields in the Properties pane

  1. In New Scoring Rubric Questions Properties section 

    1. Add a Prompt (the question)

    2. Public Key will be autofilled

    3. Prompt Narrative (description or clarification of the question) 

    4. Add appropriate Domain Tags

    5. Decide if comments are needed

    6. Decide if Attachments are needed

    7. Decide if a Response is required

    8. Decide if Evidence is required

  1. Click on the yellow New Rubric

  2. Click on Properties Tab

  1. In the New Rubric section

    1. Name the Rubric

    2. Give the Rubric a description or clarification

    3. Set the High and Low Score for that individual Rubric. The scores will collaborate with the other Rubrics within this question

    4. Select the number of Steps (This will determine how granular the rubric will be. The more Steps gives more indicators per Rubric)

    5. You can set scoring to Default

    6. Check Active

    7. Select Score or Don’t Score

    8. Display Justification as a checkable Checkbox or as a static Bulleted list

  1. Click the Pink New Justification

  2. Click on the Properties Tab

  1. In the New Justification section

    1. Add justification to the Justification box

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