Family Management

Family Management

In the Family Management section Guardian List and Portal Invitation Codes can be managed

  1. Click Family Management

Here there are two choices:

  • Manage Guardian List

Guardian List is a table with all the parents that have access to their students Mileposts Parent Portal

  • Portal Invitation Codes

Is used to generate the pass codes for parents login to the Milepost Parent Portal

Manage Guardians List

  1. Click Manage Guardian List

This table has the current guardians

The Guardian list is a table showing all guardians that have access to the Mileposts Parent Portal. The table can be filtered and guardians can be added, edited or deleted. The table has the following headers:

  • Action

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Status

  • Has Portal Access

  • Number of Students


  1. The table can be filtered by 

    1. Last Name

    2. First Name

  2. Type at least three characters of the selected name

  3. Click the Blue Arrow to search


  1. The list can be downloaded as an Excel file or a CSV file

Add/Edit Guardian

  1. Click Add Guardian


  1. Click Pencil to Edit Current Guardian

A screen will open. Add or Edit the Guardian information. 

    1. Information Tab

This tab is guardian information (Not Student)

      1. First Name (Required)

      2. Middle Name (Optional)

      3. Last Name (Required)

      4. Home Phone (Optional)

      5. Work Phone (Optional)

      6. Cell Phone (Optional)

      7. Active checkbox 

This must be checked for the guardian to be active in the system.

    1. Notes Tab

This area gives the user an area for notes. The note pad has the following tools:

      1. Spell Check

      2. Bold Text

      3. Italic Test

      4. Underline Text

      5. Indent

      6. Outdent

      7. Numbered List

      8. Bullet List

      9. Add HyperlInk

      10. Remove Hyperlink

      11. Toggle Full Screen Mode

    1. Contact Tab

This tab is for guardian addresses Mailing and Physical

      1. Mailing Address

        1. Address Line 1

        2. Address Line 2

        3. City

        4. State

        5. Zip

      2. Physical Address

        1. Address Line 1

        2. Address Line 2

        3. City

        4. State

        5. Zip

    1. Students

This tab is a table listing all students linked to the guardians previously specified and can be used to add the guardian to specific students.

      1. Add new relationship 

This adds additional students to the linked guardians

      1. Details Tab

        1. Select Student

Clicking the dropdown list arrow will open a list of all students in the district that can be added to this relationship

        1. Relationship Type

Clicking the dropdown arrow offers several types of guardians

      1. Resides with Student

Indicates that the student lives with the guardian when checked

        1. Allow Contact

Indicates that contact is allowed when checked

        1. Active 

Activates this students link to the guardian when checked

        1. Click Add Relationship when Finished 

      1. Notes Tab

        1. This area give the user an area for notes. The note pad has the following tools:

          1. Spell Check

          2. Bold Text

          3. Italk Test

          4. Underline Text

          5. Indent

          6. Outdent

          7. Numbered List

          8. Bullet List

          9. Add HyperlInk

          10. Remove Hyperlink

          11. Toggle Full Screen Mode

        2. Audit Tab

Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

      1. Created on

      2. Created by

      3. Modified on

      4. Modified by

    1. Portal Access

      1. Account 

        1. Username

The users district email account

      1. Password

Passwords should be generated at district level. We should not enter it here for security purposes.

        1. Confirm Password

Same as above 

      1. Account Status

        1. Locked Out

Used to lock account

        1. Has Portal Access

If checked the user has access to the Mileposts Portal

        1. Last Activity

Used to see last activity

        1. Last Login

Used to see the users last login

        1. Last Password Change

The last time and date that the users password was changed

        1. Last Lock Out

Last time the user was locked out

        1. Failed Password Attempts

The count of failed attempts entering password

        1. Failed Password Window Start

    1. Audit Tab

Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

    1. Created on

    2. Created by

    3. Modified on

    4. Modified by

Delete Guardian

  1. Click The garbage can to delete a guardian


  1. First Name

Of guardian

  1. Last Name

Of guardian

  1. Status

True = Active False = Inactive

  1. Has Portal Access

Indicates that the guardian has access to the guardian portal if marked yes

  1. Number of Students

The number of students linked to the guardian

Portal Invitation Codes

These are used to send specific guardians individual invitations to the Portal 

  1. Filters

    1. School

A list of all schools in the district including the district as a whole

  1. Class

A list of all classes within the selected school

    1. Invitation Status

      1. Show All

      2. Pending

      3. Accepted

      4. Declined

    1. Filter

      1. Last Name 

      2. First Name

    2. Starts with

Type the students name based on Last or First Name from Filter (at least 3 characters the more characters the narrower the result

    1. Click the Blue Arrow to filter

  1. The table can be exported as: 

    1. Excel


    1. CSV

  1. Print Selected

Clicking the checkbox next to a record makes it possible to print the selected record

  1. Table Headers

    1. Student First Name

    2. Student Last Name

    3. Student Number

    4. Invitation Code

    5. Invitation Status

      1. Pending

      2. Accepted

      3. Declined

    6. Issued On

Date issued

    1. Accepted On

Date Accepted

    1. Code Count

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