Enter Professional Development District Offerings

Enter Professional Development District Offerings

There are two ways to log or enter your professional development: Add Ad Hoc and Add from District Offerings. 

Add Ad Hoc:

Adding Professional Development via Ad Hoc is used when the teacher finds Professional Development from an outside source.

Add from District Offerings:

Adding Professional Development via from District Offerings is used when a teacher finds a course offered at the district.

Adding Professional Development from District Offerings:

Adding Professional Development via from District Offerings is used when a teacher finds a course offered at the district.

  1. Login to Teacher Vitae

  2. Click My Professional Development

  3. Click the My Professional Development tab

  4. Click + Add from District Offerings


Click District Offerings

This takes you to a screen that allows you to filter the results of Professional Development that is offered at the district level. 

  1. The Filters

Note you can enter as many filter as needed or none at all

    1. Course Title / Summary

Enter the title or brief summary to locate a specific course

    1. Subject Area

Choose a subject area (Math, Science, English etc) to locate subject specific courses

    1. Education Levels

Choose education levels (Elementary, Middle, High etc) to narrow results to level specific courses

    1. Credit Option

Choose credit types to narrow results on courses

    1. Course Tag

Choose tag to narrow by educational frameworks or district goals

  1. Click Filter

  1. A grid of possible selections will appear

  2. Hover over the icons to get basic information about the course

  3. Click More Info 

For a description and detailed information about the course

  1. Click Add

When you find a course that meets your needs

  1. You will receive a notification stating that your course has been added to you My Professional Development page

    1. You can remove if necessary

    2. Note: If you try to add a course twice you will get a notification that you have already added the course. Again you can remove if necessary

  1. Click Return to district Offerings to leave the course information page

  1. The course is now added.

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