The Educational Support section of the Student e-file provides a summary of any plans implemented with the student. Once Mileposts is installed, new plans are recorded and maintained, adding to the thoroughness of the student record.
In the Educational Support tab you gain access to various plans by simply clicking on the highlighted link you want to review. Each plan includes a variety of information, depending on the plan type. Many of the plans include plan summary, interventions and/or accommodations, progress monitors, plan team notes related to the student and plan results.
This tool provides teachers with insights related to what has worked and not worked historically with the student to help drive achievement. The information in individual plans can be printed by using the Print link in each plan.
Access the Student e-file by using the Student Search feature on the upper right section of the Mileposts homepage.
From the Mileposts homepage click on Student Search
In the Search Table type in the student’s first or last name
Click on the arrow to search for the student
When the search results come up click on the desired student’s last name to go to their Student e-file
Once in the student e-file click on the Educational Support Tab to view the historical documentation of plans, interventions, and progress monitor results for your selected student.