Edit a Custom Class List

Edit a Custom Class List

After creating a custom class list, you may need to either add or remove students from that list.  You can easily edit these class lists.

To manage a custom class list, from the home screen click on Classes and then Class Lists.

Note that you will have several class lists in here.  First you will see your Personal lists - you will see the All My Students list, which is an automatically generated dynamic list showing all students you have access to.  This list cannot be edited, but you can view it by clicking on the View Class selection in the Actions dropdown menu.

Other lists that are shown under Personal lists are your Intervention Groups (these are generated automatically from the Group Interventions you create) which are designated with a *IN in front of them and the static lists you have created through the Create Custom Class List option which are designated with a *SL in front of the list name.  

Edit an Intervention List 

Intervention class lists can be both edited and viewed from the Actions Menu.

Clicking View Class will take you to the Group Interventions page in Mileposts which allows you to see all the students in the intervention group and edit, view, delete or remove the student intervention.

Click the browser back button to go back to your list of Classes. 

Clicking Edit Class on the same intervention group takes you to the Class Lists, Add Students page.  You will see all students already a part of this intervention class and be able to add a new student to this intervention as well.  Click the checkbox next to the name of a student to add the student.  Then click on Add Students. This will add the student to your group intervention.

It will add that student to the group intervention as well.

Edit a Custom Static Class List 

Your static class lists can be managed from here as well.  These lists are designated with a *SL in front of the name.  You can View, Edit or Delete these lists from this screen.

Viewing will show you the students currently in the static class list.  Delete will delete the class list.  Click Edit Class to change the students in this static class list.

Here you can choose one of your classes that has the new student you want to add.  This will populate the list of students on the right hand side of this screen.  Select the student you want to move into your custom class list on the left and then click the Add button in the middle.  This will add that student to your custom class list.  Click Save.



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