District Setup (Complete Guide)

District Setup (Complete Guide)

The following information is a complete guide for setting up district specific configuration for Mileposts. 

District Information

  1. Districts

    1. Refresh list

Refreshes the table

    1. Table

  1. Action

    1. Edit

      1. District Information

        1. General Tab

          1. District Number

          2. Name: Name of district

          1. Short Name: Nickname or Abbreviation

          1. State: The state the district resides

          1. Region: Region within state

          1. District Code

          2. Domain Guide: Unique Identifier

          1. Phone 

          2. Fax

        1. Address

          1. Mailing Address

            1. Address Line 1

            2. Address Line 2

            3. City

            4. State

            5. Zip

          2. Physical Address

            1. Address Line 1

            2. Address Line 2

            3. City

            4. State

            5. Zip

        1. Domain Suffix: A list of valid domain suffixes

        1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

          1. Created on

          2. Created by

          3. Modified on

          4. Modified by

        1. Click Save

    1. ID

    2. Parer

    3. District Number

    4. State: State that the district resides

    1. Region: Region within state

    1. Name: Name of the district

    1. Domains

  1. Domain Suffix List: A list of valid domain suffixes

  1. Refresh list: Refreshes the table

    1. Table

  1. Action

    1. Edit

      1. Domain Suffix Tab

        1. Domain Suffix: Name the Domain Suffix

        1. Active

          1. Yes/True

          2. No/False

        2. Default

        1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

          1. Created on

          2. Created by

          3. Modified on

          4. Modified by

        1. Click Save

    1. ID

    2. Domain Suffix

    3. Active

      1. True 

      2. False

    4. Default

    5. More Actions


This is an information tree

Clicking the + opens the next level

Clicking the - closes the current level

  1. Locations

    1. School

      1. Rooms

School Categories

  1. School Categories

    1. Add new School Category

      1. School Category Tab

        1. Name : The name of the School Category

    1. Description: An area to provide a detailed description

    1. Audit

Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

    1. Refresh list: Refreshes the table

    1. Table

      1. Action 

        1. Edit 

      1. School Category Tab

        1. Name : The name of the School Category

    1. Description: An area to provide a detailed description

    1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

    1. Delete

    1. Name


This is an information tree

Click + to open templates

Click - to close templates

  1. Manage Templates

    1. Templates

      1. Plans

        1. Sub-plans

My Applications

These are the applications that the district has access to and the links that can be added to the Mileposts homepage

  1. My Applications

    1. Add new Application

      1. My Application

        1. Name: The name of the application

      2. Description: An area to add a detailed description of the application 

      1. Image: Choose an image from your computer

      1. Url: Enter the destination URL 

      1. Active

        1. Yes 

        2. No

      2. Open in new window: When clicked the Url is opened in a new Browser window

      1. Yes 

      2. No

    1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

    1. Refresh list

Refreshes the table

    1. Table

  1. Action

    1. Reorder

Drag and drop the six dot icon to reorder the applications

    1. Edit 

        1. Name: The name of the application

        1. Description: An area to add a detailed description of the application 

          1. Image: Choose an image from your computer

          1. Url: Enter the destination URL 

          1. Active

            1. Yes 

            2. No

          2. Open in new window: When clicked the Url is opened in a new Browser window

          1. Yes 

          2. No

        1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

      1. Delete

    1. Image: The applications icon for display

    1. Name: The name of the application

    1. Active

      1. Yes 

      2. No

    2. System Define

      1. Yes 

      2. No

    3. Sequence

District Resources

  1. District Resources: Add district tools or websites for easy access

  1. Add Resources

      1. Add District Resources

        1. Select File: A file that can be uploaded from your computer

        1. Or Enter Resource URL: The URL or the resource if on the internet

        1. Display Name: Name of the resource

        1. Description: An area for a detailed description

        1. Open Inline: Inline: if checked, documents and hyperlinks will open in a new tab. If unchecked, documents will be downloaded and hyperlinks will open in the same tab.

        1. Click Save

    1. Refresh list: Refreshes the table

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Reorder: Change the order of the resources shown on the page

    1. Edit

        1. General

          1. Display Name

          2. Description

          3. Open Online

        1. Audit: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

      1. Delete

    1. Display Name

    2. Resource Name

Notification Setup

  1. Notification Setup: A table with the list of notification topics

  1. Table

  1. Topic Type

    1. Navigate

      1. Topics: A table of notification types

    1. Table

  1. Notification Type

  2. Notification Topic 

  3. Navigate

    1. Schools

      1. Notification Topic

        1. General Tab

          1. Notification Type

          2. Notification Topic

          3. Is this Active

            1. Yes

            2. No

          1. Is this Moderated

            1. Yes 

            2. No

          1. Schools: A dropdown with all available schools

        1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

          1. Created on

          2. Created by

          3. Modified on

          4. Modified by

        1. Click Save

    1. Moderators

      1. Add new Moderator

        1. Moderator 

          1. Choose the moderator from the dropdown list of staff members

        2. Schools

          1. After a moderator is chosen Milepost will insure that the moderator has access to a school for moderating

        3. Click Save

      1. Refresh list: Refreshes the table

    1. Table

      1. Action

        1. Edit

          1. Delete

        1. Moderator: Moderators Name

        1. Notification Type: Name of Notification Type

        1. Notification Topic: Name of Notification Topic

        1. Schools: Name of School

    1. Subscribers

  1. Add new Subscribers

      1. General Tab

        1. Subscriber: Choose the subscriber from the dropdown list of users

    1. Schools

    2. After a subscriber is chosen Milepost will insure that the moderator has access to a school for moderating

    3. Frequency of Notifications

      1. Instant

      2. Daily

      3. Weekly

    1. Audit Tab: Audit Information is a basic timeline including the following:

        1. Created on

        2. Created by

        3. Modified on

        4. Modified by

      1. Click Save

    1. Refresh list : Refreshes the table

    1. Table

  1. Action

    1. Edit 

    2. Delete

  2. First Name: Subscribers First Name

    1. Last Name: Subscribers Last Name

    1. Notification Type

    2. Notification Topic

    3. Subscribed On: Date Subscribed

    1. Status

    2. Frequency: How often the notification is updated.

      1. Instant

      2. Daily

      3. Weekly

    1. Schools: Schools that the subscriber has access to

Class Load Setup

A weighting metric for teaching a given class based on the size of class, age of students, and what plans or programs students are enrolled in. All Load Factor values on this screen default to 1 but can be changed as the district feels appropriate by typing in the cells or using the up down arrows.

  1. Class Load

    1. Class Load Values

      1. Disabled

      2. Enabled for district administrators only

      3. Enabled For all users

    2. Save Changes

    1. Class Size Multipliers

      1. Add Class Size Group

Used to add a custom Group

        1. Edit Class Size Multiplier

          1. Class Size Minimum

          2. Class size minimum number

          3. Class Size Maximum

          4. Class size maximum number

          5. Maximum

            1. Yes 

            2. No

          6. Click OK

      1. Table

      1. Class Size

        1. Delete

Click the X to delete

        1. Edit

          1. Class Size Minimum

          2. Class size minimum number

          3. Class Size Maximum

          4. Class size maximum number

          5. Maximum

            1. Yes 

            2. No

          6. Click OK

        1. PK-2: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. 3-5: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. 6-8: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. 9-12: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

    1. Plans: A list of all current plans. If the plan has a check mark in a green circle under “Annual Plan” this means that the plan expires annually. All other plans carry forward from year to year.

      1. Table

        1. Name: Name of the plan 

        1. Annual Plan: “Annual Plan” this means that the plan expires annually

        1. Load Factor

          1. Load Factor: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. Reset: Resets the Load Factor to default (1)

    1. Programs

      1. Table

        1. Name: Program Name

        1. Detailed Tracking: Tracked by Milepost by default

        1. Load Factor

          1. Load Factor: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. Reset: Resets the Load Factor to default (1)

    1. Save Changes

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