Detailed Programming Capability

Detailed Programming Capability

Districts can choose to record essential student information in our newly enhanced Detailed Programming feature. Users can define the fields(such as entry/exit dates, status changes, etc.),  as well as include critical reviews throughout the year.

  1. Login to Mileposts

Navigate to Student Search

  1. Click Student Search


  1. Click Students

  2. Click Student Search

  1. Select a Student

    1. Click the Students Last Name

  1. Click Programs Tab

  2. Click Reviews and Status

  3. Click Add new Review or Status

  1. Start wizard

    1. Choose Program Reviews with possible status changes 

    2. Program Status changes only

  2. Click Next

  1. Select the Review Type from the dropdown

  2. Name the Review

  3. Double Check Review Date and Year

  1. Edit Review Members

  2. Choose Staff or Other Member

  3. Select or enter Reviewer Name and Contact Info 

  4. Select Role

  5. Click Add Member

  6. Do this for all Members

  1. Click Next

  1. Click the required Review Types

  2. Add text for Annual ESL Review

  3. Click Next

  1. Add Review Summary

  2. Indicate when parent was notified

  3. Select Outcome

  4. Click Next

  1. Review the Review Summary 

  2. If incorrect Click Previous to make any necessary changes

  3. If correct Click Save and Continue

  1. Add and Name any attachments necessary

  2. Click Next

  1. Select Next Status

  2. Select Justification (Multiple can be checked)

  3. Enter Transition Date and School Year

  4. Add Notes if necessary

  5. Click Finish

  1. Review or Status will be added to the table

  1. You can View Edit or Delete Reviews or Status in the Action Column

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