Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Question Stems Resource

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Question Stems Resource

When writing assessments educators understand the value in using a variety of question types to extend the amount of thinking required for a given task or question.  The Depth of Knowledge (DOK) question range is based on a 1-4 level of complexity.  Level 1 is simply recalling information, level 4 requires extended thinking and reasoning to complete the task.  When using the program edifyAssess we have the ability to search for question items that are aligned to each range or to build our own questions to support this hierarchy of thinking.   Below you will find some sample question stems in the four categories of Depth of Knowledge question types.

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Question Stems

Depth of Knowledge Question Stem Examples:  Level 1

  • When did _ happen? 

  • How can you recognize___? 

  • What is __? 

  • Can you select_ ?

  • What might you include on a list about_? 

  • Can you identify__?

  • How would you describe__? 

Depth of Knowledge Question Stem Examples:  Level 2

  • How would you compare __? Contrast_ ? 

  • How would you classify___? 

  • How would you classify the type of__?  

  • How would you summarize___? 

  • What steps are needed to edit___? 

  • How could you organize__?  

  • What do you notice about__?

Depth of Knowledge Question Stem Examples:  Level 3

  • How is — related to __? 

  • What conclusions can you draw __?  

  • Can you predict the outcome if ___? 

  • What is your interpretation of this text? Support your rationale. 

  • How would you describe the sequence of__? 

  • What would happen if__?

Depth of Knowledge Question Stem Examples:  Level 4

  • Write a thesis, drawing conclusions from multiple sources.

  • Design and conduct an experiment. 

Gather information to develop alternative explanations for the results of an experiment. 

  • Write a research paper on a topic.

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