Creating a Matching Table Assessment Item

Creating a Matching Table Assessment Item

  1.  After logging into edifyAssess click on the Author Content tab in the main toolbar.

    1.  Then select Create New Item

    1. Choose Technology Enhanced Item For the Item Type.

    2. Select a Subject

    3. Select the Standard Set

    4. Select the destination Item Bank

    5. Enter or Lookup a Measurable Standard

    6. Select the Items displayed Language

    7. Click Create

    1.  Now you will be at the dashboard with all of the Technology Enhanced Question Items.  For this example, select Matching Table.

    Note:  There is an on screen guide you through this process. Clicking Next will show you the next tip. You can click out of the guide at any time by clicking the X. You can also reopen the guide by clicking, Click Here to start the on screen guide.

    1.  Enter the Question  

    2. You will click on the green + sign to add either a Statement (Row) or a Choice (Column)

    3. Once you have your table created you will need to indicate the correct answers in the table.

    4. Then click on Preview to view your created assessment item.

    Note: You can also add Equations to text boxes by clicking in the text area and selecting the equation icon from the toolbar.

    1.  By clicking on the green drop down menu you will have the ability to view the analytics of the assessment item.  You can also view the Characteristics, Alignment, & Statistics of the question item.

    1.  After Previewing the item, select Publish.

    Note:  Make sure you write down the Item ID for future reference when you are creating an assessment with this question. 

    1.  After selecting Publish a confirmation box will be shown with the published Item ID.  Either confirm this action by selecting Publish or Cancel by selecting Close.

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