Creating a Custom Plan in Mileposts

Creating a Custom Plan in Mileposts

Sometimes you may want to make your own educational support plans with specific elements in them. As a Mileposts administrator you can do that.

1. Navigate to the Admin section of Mileposts. 



Click on Programs and Plans Setup.



2. Choose Plans


3. Click on Add new Plan

4. Enter the General Information - provide Name, select the Program that it is associated with, Plan Type, click the Active checkbox, set the Public Key and Code (note no spaces or special characters are allowed in the Key and Code fields).  Finally, if the plan will be created annually then check the Is Annual Plan box, if the plan can span multiple school years leave it unchecked.  Click on the Description tab when this tab is complete.

5. Fill out the description and then click on the Areas of Need tab.

6. Select the applicable academic areas, then click on the reports tab.

7. Select any assessments that you would like to have results included for. Click Save.

8. Click on Recommendations for your new plan type.

9. Click on Add New Recommendation.  Enter a name and click Active. Then click Save.

10. Finish entering recommendations.  

11. Click to go back to Plans and then click on Outcomes.

12. Click on Add new Outcome. Click the Active checkbox, enter a Name and a Code. Click Save.

13. Enter all other outcomes.

14.  Click to go back to Plans and then click on Building Blocks. The Plan Team building block will already be there.  Click Add new Building Block.  Select the building block type, provide a name and a prompt if desired.  Click checkboxes if you want the building block confidential or if you are using the student or parent portal and you want this item visible.  Click Next.  Click Submit.

15.  Finish adding building blocks.  Note you can drag the items into the order you want by clicking on the 6 aligned dots to the left of the pencil.

16. Your plan is now ready to use.  To assign a student to this plan, enter a student e-file.  Click on the Educational Support tab.  Click on Add Student Plan and select your new plan type.


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