Creating a Behavior Incident

Creating a Behavior Incident

Creating a Behavior Incident

The behavior tab of the student e-file is a place where behavior incidents can be housed and tracked in EdHub.  Educators understand the power of having behavior, assessment data, and education support practices all documented in one location.  By using the Behavior Tool in EdHub you are able to house more information in one electronic location. 

Behavior Incidents from the homepage 

  1. Click Behavior Incidents OR…

You can Click Behavior from the gray tool bar.

Then Click Behavior Incidents.

The Behavior Incidents page is a table of all Incidents within a given time frame/school year. This table can be filtered by school year, then the entire table can be searched by entering search criteria in the Search Table field. Returned data can be exported via Microsoft Excel or Comma Separated Value (CSV) depending on your needs. 

Adding a new Behavior Incident 

Click Add Behavior Incident

Incident Information Tab

Fill in all fields. The fields with a red star (*) are required fields and need to be completed before the incident can be saved by Clicking the Save button in right hand corner.

Note: The information can be edited later by an EdHub administrator.

Description Tab

A text box for detailed description of the Incident.

Action Taken 

Fill in the fields as necessary using the dropdown menus or write in the table provided.

More Details

Fill in the fields as necessary- writing in the tables provided and clicking on the Yes or No buttons.

More Incident Information

Use the dropdown menu to select the victim of the incident.

Attachment Tab

Select files to upload or drop files on the 'Drop Files Here' region. Maximum size is 512KB.

Audit Tab

Shows creation and modifications to the Behavior Incident

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