Create Parent Portal Logins

Create Parent Portal Logins

The parent / guardian registration process was designed to be as self service as possible and yet retain a very high degree of security. The high level concepts are shown in the following diagram.

Generating Codes

The Mileposts Administrator will create the invitation codes by navigating to the following page.

  1. Login to Mileposts

  2. Click Admin

  1. Click Family Management

  1. Click Portal Invitation

  1. Select School

  2. Select Class

This will populate the table

  1. Check the checkboxes next to all the students that you wish to Generate Invite Codes

  2. Click Generate Codes

Send Codes to Parents

There are two ways to send the invitation and code to the parent:

  • Print the invitation and code and send the paperwork home

  • Email directly to the parent

Either way selected the parent will need to complete the Parent Portal registration and agree to the terms and conditions. For more information on the parent registration process see Parent Portal Registration

Print Invite

  1. Navigate to the Portal Invitation Codes section in Mileposts Admin

  2. Check the checkboxes of the students that you wish to print invites for.

  3. Click Print Selected.

  4. Follow the prompts to Print

Email Invite

Note: For email delivery to work the parents email must be entered on the Students General Information tab in SMS Setup. For more information see SMS Setup Students

  1. Navigate to the Portal Invitation Codes section in Mileposts Admin

  2. Check the checkboxes of the students that you wish to email invites to.

  3. Click Email Selected

  4. The emails are automatically sent to the selected recipients

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