Conversations Feature

Conversations Feature

The Conversations Feature allows 2 or more people to share messages back and forth within a specific document similar to a text message. 


The Conversations Feature has been added to all forms/documents. To activate the feature the document must be shared with another person, then the conversation is restricted to the people that are sharing the document. To include additional people in the document, you must share with those additional people.

Sharing and Activating the Conversation

Before Sharing Image

After Share Image

The Conversations Feature is restricted to individual document messaging. To clarify this feature is not available at the Teacher Vitae Application level rather only at the individual document level. This feature is useful for communication between the administration and evaluatee within a document about the data or information pertaining to that document. 

After Conversations have been activated click the Conversations Icon to open and start a conversation.

If your Conversation Icon has a red circle with a number in it, this means that you have messages that you have not read.

Opening the Conversation shows the most recent message received. Above the message shows who is included in the conversation and the date the conversation was sent.

To toggle to the next message click the small arrow next to the date.

To reply to this message enter your message at the bottom of the box where it says”Enter Message”. Click the Up Arrow to send your message.

To add recipients the document must be shared with them first (see Sharing and Activating the Conversation). Then select the recipients from the “Select recipient” box. Multiple recipients can be selected. And recipients can be removed by clicking the x next to their name.

Entering the message and sending will start a new conversation. To toggle back to the list of conversations, click the Arrow next to the names at the top of the box.

The most recent conversation will be at the top. To resume a conversation click the conversation and it will reopen.

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