Closing Individual or Group Interventions

Closing Individual or Group Interventions

All Interventions must be closed out at the end of each year.  This should include an end date, an outcome and specific details in the Narrative section of the Outcome Tab of the Intervention. See below to learn how to perform this important end of year protocol. 

How to Access Existing Interventions

There are two ways to access an existing intervention to modify it.

To modify a group intervention - click on Group Interventions from the home screen.


Click on RTI from the home screen and then click on Group Interventions.

To modify an individual intervention, click on RTI from the home screen and then click on Interventions. (Note: you can also access an individual intervention from the student e-file.)

Closing a Group Intervention

Find the Group Intervention you want to close.  Select Close Group from the Actions column.



Enter the end date for each student or set the end date for all students at the top. 

Enter the Outcome, Total Hours, Measure, Growth and Narrative for each student.

Click Save when finished.

This will save the group intervention.  

Closing an Individual Intervention from Student E-file

Search for the student you want to transfer - click on the student name to enter the e-file.  


Click on the Educational Support tab within the e-file. Find the plan that contains the intervention you wish to close and click on the Plan School Year.

Once in the plan, scroll down to the Plan Interventions / Accommodations section.

Find the intervention you want to close.  In the Action column select Edit Intervention from the drop down.

Enter the End Date, Outcome, Total Hours, Measure, Growth and Narrative.  Click Save.

This will close the intervention and record the outcome.

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