Class Load Setup

Class Load Setup

A weighting metric for teaching a given class based on the size of class, age of students, and what plans or programs students are enrolled in. All Load Factor values on this screen default to 1 but can be changed as the district feels appropriate by typing in the cells or using the up down arrows.

  1. Class Load

    1. Class Load Values

      1. Disabled

      2. Enabled for district administrators only

      3. Enabled For all users

    2. Save Changes

    1. Class Size Multipliers

      1. Add Class Size Group

Used to add a custom Group

        1. Edit Class Size Multiplier

          1. Class Size Minimum

          2. Class size minimum number

          3. Class Size Maximum

          4. Class size maximum number

          5. Maximum

            1. Yes 

            2. No

          6. Click OK

      1. Table

      1. Class Size

        1. Delete

Click the X to delete

        1. Edit

          1. Class Size Minimum

          2. Class size minimum number

          3. Class Size Maximum

          4. Class size maximum number

          5. Maximum

            1. Yes 

            2. No

          6. Click OK

        1. PK-2: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. 3-5: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. 6-8: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. 9-12: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

    1. Plans: A list of all current plans. If the plan has a check mark in a green circle under “Annual Plan” this means that the plan expires annually. All other plans carry forward from year to year.

      1. Table

        1. Name: Name of the plan 

        1. Annual Plan: “Annual Plan” this means that the plan expires annually

        1. Load Factor

          1. Load Factor: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. Reset: Resets the Load Factor to default (1)

    1. Programs

      1. Table

        1. Name: Program Name

        1. Detailed Tracking: Tracked by Milepost by default

        1. Load Factor

          1. Load Factor: Default at 1 but can be adjusted by an administrator

        1. Reset: Resets the Load Factor to default (1)

    1. Save Changes

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